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Everything posted by TheMostInterestingMan

  1. We used to have a beg rep feature here. Basically getting a poo react made your overall reputation lower. I don’t remember if that resulted in being unable to create new threads or not, but your rep used to have a meter from red to green and those in the red everyone knew to just ignore because they were clearly trolls etc. I’m not sure you could create threads if you had negative reputation. But @Jon Snow is probably right. Now it would likely just be weaponized to attack people you don’t like. I could specifically see disagreements from the tinderbox carrying over into the football forum and being used to attack people that way. Just saying that sounds silly. That’s how I know it’s probably likely lol
  2. I’m not asking for an echo chamber. Nor is anyone else here. It’s the 25/7 trolling and Darnold, Rhule, Tepper, Panthers in general bashing that has worn its welcome. “Tepper is terrible. He should have fired Rivera the minute he got here but he didn’t have the balls. All he cares about is soccer”. Is that an honest opinion? Or is that just a troll? Cause I’ve seen it around here a LOT in the last two years. “Rhule and Snow are college coaches. Rhules doesn’t value QB or the offensive line apparently. He took a DT and a CB in the first round. We will never address LT” Again, that MIGHT be someone’s opinion. But Rhule doesn’t strike me as the type that WANTS to lose. Being a coach at the highest level, I’m quite sure he does realize the importance of QB ffs. “We could have had Fields but we are rolling the dice with Darnold. This team is going to look back and regret this for years. Darnold will put us in purgatory.” These are fair concerns. Darnold may not work out. Fields may not either. The point is, we all get it. I feel like you are rolling you eyes at this post acting as though some of us want an homer driven echo chamber when the reality is we are just tired of the nonstop bashing every single day. “ You might be right. Darnold might be dog sh*t. He might absolutely suck and perhaps Fields will be a league MVP one day. Can we wait for one of them to take a single snap for their new teams now? Being critical is fine. ‘My good with disagreements and I’m good critical outlooks. No, I don’t want an echo chamber. But again, look at the traction to this thread. Obviously the fast majority are tired of some posters (and indeed some mods) just bashing the team into the ground. It’s possible to be pessimistic but still acknowledge that perhaps things are trending up. Perhaps Darnold does have another level or two in him just like Burrow did under Brady his final year at LSU. Perhaps a CB that can latch on to the WR doesn’t just take the WR out of the game and will benefit our entire pass rush. Perhaps Tepper does care about football and wants to win. Perhaps Rhule can really coach up young players and isn’t just college material. I accept all that could be wrong. But even suggesting things have gotten too negative seems to rub you the wrong way. You response is “what? You just want a football echo chamber? Maybe this place isn’t for you then.” No, that’s not what anyone here is saying. But this is a Panthers forum. I would think most could be pessimistic/critical without being downright militant about the shortcomings of the team, coaches, owner etc. I don’t know what the answer is man. But it is obvious to me that a lot of people here have gotten frustrated with the constant b*tching. Perhaps there’s a way to show pessimism while also maintaining a sense of ‘we are in this thing together’ as it’s a Panthers board. Even if this team is trash, it’s ‘our trash’ and that isn’t about being an echo chamber, it’s about being a fan. I’m sure nobody would have gone to training camp and boo’ed Teddy last year or Sam this year over and over every day. If they had, what would the response be?
  3. All I’m going to say is look at the response to this thread. While what you are saying is technically true, it’s pretty clear if you look objectively that a lot of people here are pretty tired of the trolls and constant bashing of the team. Perhaps it isn’t ALL our fault that it’s gotten this way. Just saying.
  4. Yeah I think perhaps the negativity has in part taken over because it’s endorsed by the mods like you said. It’s one thing to have an opinion and disagree with decisions the team is making. But it’s another to just absolutely poo on them day after day after day relentlessly. I understand people feel frustrated but it’s gotten to a point where being negative about your overall outlook somehow makes you more knowledgeable and credible. I genuinely don’t get it.
  5. I almost never post in live game day threads. I’m either at games or watching with friends. I’m very rarely on here during games. Last year was somewhat of an excepting due to Covid but even then, I am usually entrenched in the game and fantasy during commercials
  6. That’s true. But that was the take that pushed me over the edge and compelled me to make this thread lol
  7. Fair. He also had 1 TD to 5 INTs last season and overthrew a lot of balls today. I don’t hate the guy. I’m rooting for him. I just don’t see the skill set personally. But I hope he’s a league MVP in a Panthers jersey one day haha. I just find that unlikely. And like I said, backup is an important position. If he can competently hold it down, that doesn’t mean he’s bad. Very few QBs will ever make it to the NFL backup caliber level
  8. We all have our high and low points. I was absolutely opposed to drafting CMC and Luke. Was only mildly warm on the idea of drafting Cam. The difference was I refrained from starting threads accusing the FO of stupidity and incompetence after we took them lol.
  9. Well today the sky is apparently falling based on our 3rd string blowing a lead that players who will be on the roster had rewarded us with. So no, THAT aspect doesn’t really follow logic. Our backups were better in the first half. The vast majority of the second half was played by players who won’t even be on the roster. Secondly, I somewhat hear what you are saying, but this is a team that’s entire coaching staff is in their second year. Yeah we have been bad, but that resulted in a fire sale of staff and players. This team is virtually new from top to bottom. They sort of deserve a little time to implement their system and assess what they have. I understand the frustration with losing, but the “facts” you mention aren’t really facts. You can’t compare what previous coaches, GMs and players did to what is now virtually an entirely new regime. That just isn’t based on reality. Obviously beating the Jets doesn’t warrant a parade. And I won’t be bragging heavily about a win against them. But even still, it holds more validation than two practice squads playing against each other.
  10. Agreed. If there is one thing this team is known for across the league historically it’s our LBers. No matter how good or bad we have been, LBer is virtually always been our biggest strength (one of certainly) in the past.
  11. My uncle (great uncle technically) used to do funerals and held a service once for a man who was cremated. The family had put his ashes in a coffee tin and mid service he started laughing when he noticed the words “good to the last drop” mid service. At least he used to crack up telling that story to the family. I have no fugging idea if it was true, but I certainly hope it was lol
  12. Yeah it’s always been there, but this still feels a step beyond. YGM getting cut? I mean come on. And combine the overreactions with the deliberate trolls and I think it just has become much more tiresome and prevalent.
  13. Well, I did throw my question marks in the thread. That said, Chinn, YGM, Marshall, Tremble, Christensen, Brown, Smith etc were all picked after the first round and while it’s a small sample size, it’s clearly looking better than drafts we have had under DG or Hurney in the later rounds. Combine that with the fact I’m damn tired of the constant negativity and Tepper, Rhule, organization bashing on general that’s being going on for the last few years, I’m prone to pardon the sparse optimism even if exaggerated. But again, since you feel compelled to point out I’ve overlooked the overtly positive posters, tell me. Which had been more plentiful today? The doom and gloom or the sunshine crowd? We both know the answer. So yes, I was responding specifically to the negative Nancy types. We do agree on Grier. His time is almost up. And Slye may stick around another year but he has to be on a short leash as well.
  14. I don’t doubt it’s the same other places, but is it really an excuse for lack of logic and reason?
  15. This isn’t really me crying about not liking what posters have to say, nor am I interested in ignoring what seems like half the board today. This is more pointing out how ridiculous some of the overreactions are today whilst adding some legitimate insight into what I took away from the game. Judging by the positive reacts so far, I think I spoke for quite a few people on this sentiment. Thus I think this was a thread worth making.
  16. That was one of the knocks on him I remember reading somewhere after we drafted him. But like you said, that’s coachable
  17. I actually agree with you here. It’s definitely improved since last season. But I still think it’s very underwhelming and if we lose a starter, especially Shaq, we will get exposed by whoever is filling in. We just don’t have much to rely on there.
  18. I don’t think PJ can make it as a starter but I hope you are right. That only benefits us. But if he can turn out to be a decently reliable backup, that’s still an important position and one we need. So I’ll be just fine with that.
  19. There was once a time when the trolls were thin and lost here had great insight. The roles have reversed in the last few years unfortunately
  20. ... that was some 15 years ago now. Holy immature meltdown. Today I have learned that the Huddle thinks YGM will be cut while the entire 3rd string will somehow make the roster and ruin our season at the same time. Here’s some perspective kids. The starters did not play at all today minus maybe a couple battling for a starting spot. This game should be looked at as two separate games. The first one was in the first half. It was the Panthers depth vs the Colts depth. Our backups won that game. If you erase few jittery penalties we would have had an even bigger winning margin than we did. The second game was the Panthers practice squad and cuts (minus a couple) vs the Colts practice squad and cuts. As it turns out, the Colts had better garbage than we had today. The second half of the first preseason game that did not feature any starters tells us less than 1% about our upcoming season. What we did learn about the upcoming season is that it seems Rhule and company can really evaluate talent and identify NFL talent in the late rounds of the draft. That’s something we haven’t really had for a decade. Last years draft class looked terrific last season. Our first three picks last year all contributed in a big way. But this years class on paper seems to be even better. I think we found a lot of contributors in the draft this year and that is a very welcome change. I learned PJ Walker is a serviceable backup. By no means a top tier backup and if Darnold misses considerable time then the season is over. But if Sam were to miss two games this season, depending on who we play, I’m confident PJ could do enough to get us a win in one of them. We learned that Tremble indeed has better hands than he’s been given credit for. Many of us suspected this may be the case, but today or showed it. We learn that WR is loaded. We expected this, but after today, it’s absolutely confirmed. It may not be our strongest position but it’s damn sure our deepest. Yeah, the offensive line looked troublesome today. But it also showed potential. Brown and Christensen played pretty well. Yeah, there were a few mistakes made, but overall they were decent. CB depth could still be an issue if we lose one of our first three CBs on the chart. But if they stay healthy, I’m not worried about it. We are still young at CB and these guys are still learning. LB is weak. I’m not worried about the starters but if we do lose one, that’s probably our biggest weakness. Those guys have got to stay healthy. But ultimately we didn’t learn very much at all. Most of who we watched will rarely (if ever) make the field this season. This was a chance for those guys to gain NFL experience and continue to grow as players. The sky isn’t falling. We have a better 2nd string. They have a better practice squad. Calm down.
  21. Yes. The message was for Zod to show him how utterly stupid some posters have become in this joint. There are few safer players on this entire roster than YGM. He’s a great physical specimen that was picked in the second round last year and had a good rookie season. What on earth are some of you smoking today?
  22. Well that’s sort of the idea. I have been a Darnold advocate, but if he sucks then we don’t want to scrap any extra wins out of the season. If he sucks we want to suck and take a QB next year.
  23. It isn’t good to hear we are sluggish in practice etc but it really is just practice. We have had players way overhyped during this time of year and also we have had players undersold. The only position I’m more confident than WR at is RB. You simply can’t read much into it at this stage.
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