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Everything posted by 4Corners

  1. Uh I know the internet is serious business but what exactly was I spamming @rayzor
  2. Reich should have gotten kicked out of the game for a couple of those personal foul calls yesterday. Fight for your guys they will fight for you.
  3. Yes and that has been Floated on this site several times by a couple different people. One person went crying to the mods to delete the thread he started about it. Polian is one of the most overrated blabber mouths in NFL history. Got lucky with Peyton Manning. On espn talking crazy and wanted to switch Lamar Jackson to a WR and would go on WFNZ criticizing Cam with some racial undertones. If Tepper is listening to Polian man that would explain a lot of the current mess this team is.
  4. You don’t think Reich is a worse HC than Ruhle? I’d give the eye for talent a nod in Frank Wrong’s favor but that’s it. I honestly think Frank Wrong is a worse head coach than Ruhle - and Ruhle was God awful.
  5. Frank Reich is a really, really bad head coach. It’s obvious to anyone who isn’t a jock sniffer. That doesn’t mean he is a bad person. But he is worse than Ruhle. The entire coaching staff needs to be gutted.
  6. I will say that aside from the warranted chewing out of the referee of that idiotic RTP call in first half, every single time Reich is shown on camera this season he is just staring off in to space by himself. yesterday was particularly bad, he had somber, dead eyes and looked 100% defeated. Like he just got some very bad news.
  7. See this is what I’m talking about.
  8. I posted a thread like week 3 requesting an informed write up from anyone here on what up and coming coordinators could be our HC next season since it was obvious Reich was gonna be one and done. I thought this would be right up your alley. Instead you laughed it off, insulted me and completely hijacked the thread. its possible you aren’t as smart about football as you think you are
  9. Also that same chap who got butthurted by a mod and said he wasn’t gonna post here anymore and still writing up fake news editorials here is where I am at mid season the team is a disaster. Nothing we can do about it except not watch
  10. Ain’t u that feller who smugly said not worry about the preseason performances and that signing Miles Sanders was good
  11. It’s sad that it’s come to this but just move the team. Its our only way out as fans.
  12. Tepper doesn’t know poo about football, even worse he is the boss and thinks he knows what he is talking about
  13. lol Dobbs is a backup QB at best. Scrub. Pretty incredible the Vikings can pluck a dude off a bad team and get a win on the road and the panthers can barely get 200 yards offense with the super processor bust first overall pick
  14. At Bama he was throwing to all pro caliber NFL WRs and first/second round draft picks. The team was full of NFL players two and three deep on both sides of the ball. Not to mention they only played 1-3 teams all season that could compete with them. Big fish in a small pond.
  15. Crack some fuging skulls Tepper. Brass balls my ass.
  16. Fired? There is more likely to be a promotion than a firing
  17. Dude that pass was awful. So bad it makes me think Young is shaving points.
  18. Terry Brown or whatever this bum OC name is —- man you may want to reconsider your career.
  19. Clean house. Most coaches need to be fired, Reich should have been fired two weeks ago, and the GM and his friends need to be removed as well. This is worse than Ruhle.
  20. No poo Sherlock. And I’m not hating him for getting the bag. My point takes a little critical thinking g.
  21. If anyone wants an example of why our society is the way it is - you have a professional athlete like Sanders making like 30 million dollars and not earning one cent of it. Basically a thief.
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