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About beckersteen

  • Birthday 07/28/1988

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  1. I'm not above laughing at dumbasses who speak on things they know nothing about.
  2. OK, but when have we ever shown the desire to keep our own drafted talent? It's just a weird message to attach to this after trading away CMC, DJ Moore, Burns, Donte Jackson and letting YGM and Jeremy Chinn walk. I guess we still have Ian Thomas lol!
  3. "sends a message that the Panthers want to keep their own drafted stars" Uhh jury is still out on that one lmao
  4. This team seriously feels cursed. It's amazing how unfortunate we've been.
  5. Wish there was a way told hold poo refs accountable.
  6. OK if we ever turn it around don't come back.
  7. I'll continue to go over to my parents and watch the game with them each Sunday. It's just what we do. Always good to see them.
  8. Reich: he's kinda like Deebo Then proceeds to call 25 screens and Shenault doesn't get a touch until late in the game. Dude is made for screens. No coincident back to back screens go for first downs when he finally got the call.
  9. That's a really good point. We are basically playing Redzone offense even between the 20s.
  10. Yea and we got rid of Wilkes to bring in an Offinsive minded HC and this is the offense we get:
  11. We are trash with no future. Literal bottom of the NFL.
  12. We look good in hurry up when then get set with 20 seconds left so Bryce can see the defense. Up until now we've been getting set under 10 seconds and snapping the ball with literally 0 seconds on the play clock. So under normal conditions Bryce can't read the defense and they know when we are snapping it.
  13. Ever run is a run up the middle, half the throws are an outside screen. I wonder what our 3rd and long per drive rate is compared to the rest of the NFL?
  14. Is every run play a run up the middle for 1 or 2 yards? Is there anything creative like Guard pulls or strech/outside runs? Then every throw is some kind of screen which forces us in a 3rd a long every damn time. This was supposed to he Allstars coaching, but across the board it looks like we are being led by amateurs who are unprepared.
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