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Ivan The Awesome

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Everything posted by Ivan The Awesome

  1. KK is going down as the steal of that draft. I know we got Star, but kk has played beyond expectations.
  2. Those are pretty awesome stats, but really, it's nitpicking. Add the rushing yards and TD's and it's a different story.
  3. Wait no Packers thread this week? Don't break the trend man.. We have SCP thread. Need a full blown analysis with a dash of history Packers preview.
  4. Rivera's expression comes as relief to me. It looks like he has his eyes closed saying. "...sigh, we made it.". He's so stoic sometimes.
  5. This is going to be a close game. This years team matches up better. Our offensive line is actually one of the best in the league. The running game is alive, if we can get more consistency from the wide outs...we have a chance to win this game out right. The Packers are a well balanced team. Honestly this will be the biggest test of the season. If we get blown out, it could be a blessing in disguise and it will bring us back down to earth. These players need to stay hungry, I know Ron is doing a wonderful job keeping them grounded so far. I honestly can't wait for this game. If we beat the Packers, there is no question. We are the team to beat. Beating Seattle and GB...
  6. pfft..trying to get cute with this 3rd and 2...ugh..
  7. It's the Ginn situation all over again, the refs are going to over turn this poo...I have a feeling. In another angle it looks like he's down too.
  8. Tirico and gruden already making excuses for Luck. Makes me sick.
  9. In all fairness. No one expected this outcome. Maybe the biggest homers of homers. Truth be said, I'm glad Igo was dead wrong about this offense. lol.
  10. Why on earth would you want to fug up the locker room with him? I love smitty but he's a cancer as far as I'm concerned, There is just too much animosity in the air with him around and the organization, it won't happen. It should not happen. It will not happen.
  11. I predict the following. Lots of raging by the fans. Lots of shouting. Lots of hostility for the iggles. Lots of energy. Lots of points. Redemption road, we're on it. It's time to man the fug up. We're out for blood.. I see a blow out. Panthers: 41 Iggles: 13
  12. So I tried the selfie perspective...no bueno. Maybe I should throw some get up together and ask my brother to first of all not judge me and help me video this massive event of ridiculousness.
  13. This is going to involve one more person filming this shenanigan...fug. -_-
  14. Still haven't done the raid. It's hard to find people that actually are willing to teach and put effort to do it. Pisses me off to be honest.
  15. Brees heaving that ball like a kitten into triple coverage...damn that was close.
  16. Saints going down the field and making a field goal should be enough, but the defense needs to hold. Unfortunately that defense is a weak as a plastic chair that Rob Ryan is sitting on. It will bend only so far before it breaks. I think the defense is at a breaking point now..If there were 6 minutes left I would think the Saints would win. Right now the Falcons have momentum.
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