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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. our D isn't good enough...definitely not big and strong enough, esp. against power run teams. we got fast and athletic....and skinny and weak thanks to the rhule/snow philosophy. this needs to be corrected.
  2. 1) QB should be the pick in the first, but i've seen some nutty stuff in the past and i've no reason to believe i won't see it in the future. nothing in the draft is 100% predictable. 2) WR isn't our 2nd biggest need and if it is, i'd rank a big DE, big LB, and good TE as just about as necessary. TE i'd actually hope to find in FA, because we'd definitely need one or two solid options there for a rookie QB. but i'd have those three up there in the discussion.
  3. Irsay must have written this stuff before 11am because the guy is incoherently drunk any time after that.
  4. I don't hate it, but only on scrambled. Salt and pepper is just fine on any kind of eggs. I like red pepper flakes in them sometimes. I like tobasco or any other kind of hot sauce. Salsa is good as well, but salt and pepper is my go to.
  5. so maybe next year when we've got an HC and a QB worth a crap we'll be set.
  6. i just looked and they aren't ranked all that high. they are 3-3. they've won 2 in a row, but still kind of far down and about middle of the pack in power rankings. NFL has them ranked 10th in the AFC. both the bills and the jets have won more games and they lost to the dolphins so they are sitting last in their division. that's just weird. i think we're so used to them being a powerhouse no matter what that we might haven't realized that they aren't anymore.
  7. i know, but it doesn't make sense. are they that good or does everyone else suck so bad that they can do whatever they want and it still works?
  8. i've been kind of wondering why they have a defensive coach as the OC as well. it's like they want to pretend that there isn't an offense after losing brady. i mean i don't want us chasing after mac even if he's better than anyone we've got on the roster. kid is a punk and not the talented kind that makes it ok. but he's not wrong. belichick is doing some nutty things recently with that team.
  9. fixed. hopefully this can come about next year. i've got no interest in seeing CMC anywhere else. just like i had no interest seeing cam anywhere else.
  10. Win-win We don't have to put up with his crap and he doesn't have to play on a crap team.
  11. plenty of rich and educated fools out there. some clumsily and luckily stumble into success and some just get lucky while some are near savants in one area of expertise, but idiots in just about any other. it depends on the realm of knowledge. being an expert in the world of hedge funds doesn't necessarily mean you'd be an expert in running a football team anymore than fixing a lawn mower or directing a high school musical.
  12. i hope there's better options, but the top 2 i keep seeing mentioned, Young and Stroud... i mean Young is short. Looks like he's got exactly what you need between the ears for someone of his stature and the 'not as lazy as you would think' comparisons to wilson in his immediate problem solving skills....but still he's short and he's from alabama and which stud QBs have come from bama? meanwhile stroud has the size, he's got the arm, he's got the touch, and he's got everything going on between the ears you would want. he's got poise...but just like bama QBs, OSU QBS tend to be not as good as they were in college and rarely live up to the hype. so are there other stud options? i see hooker mentioned and he's kind of a local "kid" but he's not hyped at all despite rock star stats i see. i mean last year 31 TD passes and only 3 INTs? why is this kid not hyped?
  13. i figured we wouldn't have close to a winning record. Didn't see it being on this scale. looking more and more like 2010. could be worse. i didn't think we could be worse off than we were with clausen, but here we are. at least in 2010 we had a couple really good options for QB...i mean early on we still had luck as an option (or so we thought at this point in the season) and we were starting to hear about this kid named cam newton. i think we can get a decent head coach, but is there a rock star QB coming out next year?
  14. It sucks we wait so long for the season to start and then 5 weeks in it can't be over soon enough.
  15. But who was shitting rainbows and acting like everything was automatically getting better? You were acting like there were loads of the and you were sitting there just waiting to piss on them? And no ...it's nothing new, but it's an old schtick that needs to be retired, acting like everyone is all sunshine and rainbows oblivious to the reality that we suck when it's only a couple hopefuls out there.
  16. Can't wait to be your old turd self, huh? Just waiting for the moment where someone might possibly be a little optimistic. Just who is here expecting a dramatic turnaround or even a win, huh? I guess you're just hoping there is so you can keep up this facade of superiority.
  17. Rule spent too much time on brand rather than product. You need more than platitudes and motivational slogans. You need competitive knowledge at least on par with the the rest of your peers. Its no wonder he was seen as a joke by many of the grownups around him. I'm more surprised they were able to keep their mouths shut for so long. The real wonder is what the hell took tepper so long to fire him.
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