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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. Is it possible that the longer he's here, the dumber he gets?
  2. Yes, but it's a problem good coaches figure out how to solve. Problems don't matter. Problems are always there. The good coach/leader/manager finds a way to do it.
  3. Yes you can blanket it like that. It really is, at it's core, that simple. It doesn't matter what structure they have set up....the goals/objectives are the same. Coaches get their players ready to win. It's Rhule's job to make sure the players are in the best position to win in all aspects. You set in place a structure and system to make that happen and you make sure it does.
  4. Yes, if we look better week 2 then there is some hope. If there isn't a very noticeable difference in week 2, don't expect to see much of an improvement throughout the season. They have to make things right this week....or it's going to be a long one for those who decide they want to keep watching that poo.
  5. It's the job of coaching to 1) make sure your players do everything right and 2) make players correct what they don't do right. If you didn't know this before, you know it now .
  6. Or get a HC and a DC who know what the basics are?
  7. So what is plan B when every team you gave does the same thing?.....which they will, btw.
  8. People don't like him because he doesn't know how to coach a winning NFL team. If he won, he wouldn't be hated as he is. Not sure why this is so damn hard to comprehend. It's not about fugging curing cancer, which if he did he'd be a hero....but that's not what he's doing. If he cured cancer but still couldn't coach a winning NFL team he'd still be a bad coach who cured cancer on the side. A success and a hero in the medical world, but a bad NFL coach and should be fired because of that. And this is probably the most ridiculous point I've ever had to make in here so thank you.
  9. I hope nobody wonders why I have no desire to listen to anything he says. If anyone wants to know...this that kind of poo that makes me not want to listen. And yes.....this is his analytics. This is the analytics tepper paid for.
  10. We won't hear his name mentioned in any games other than to hear that he's on the field
  11. I have not listened to Rhule speak probably since December. I've listened to just about everyone else associated with the team, but if I have a chance to watch or listen to him speak I don't take it. I just don't have any interest in listening to anything he says
  12. in gif form should be so much more pleasant than it is.
  13. breakdown of the offense in the first half wasn't so great. will read the summary and might watch after work...if i remember
  14. how about sticking to the subject, guys. take your little whatever that is to private messages.
  15. blame falls here: poor plan. no quick adjustments when plan wasn't working. left rookie by himself in his first start against premier DE. wrong choice of center. not enough time in camp for starting OL to develop chemistry (thanks to "competition") baker not having enough time with the starters (thanks to "competition")
  16. i see what you're asking now. wasn't completely clear in the OP. How to cope with the team as it is, right? i have become less and less attached to this team, probably as a defense mechanism and at the very least as a way to cope with a team that has rhule as HC and is spinning it's wheels. for me, it is about rhule. i refuse to stay invested in a team invested in matt rhule. is my way of coping any better than any other. probably not and don't care if is. it's just how i am doing it. everyone has their own way and it's legitimate for them. not everyone believes that each should have their own way. lots of people judging others for their way of coping. and that's fine too, but they should know that they don't get to pick how each fan responds to the team and that it's perfectly alright if others don't have the same mindset. and if you can't handle the difference in opinions or think it makes the place unbearable...there's a solution: stay away. and regarding the comment someone else made that all threads come back to rhule...he's kind of the center of the team and many believe he's the source of most problems. HC is kind of important. it's only natural that when you are talking about elements of the team that isn't going well, that you look to the guy running it.
  17. why would we be better off trying to replace rhule? because maybe...just maybe... we won't be walking into a chess match after putting together a killer checkers gameplan. because maybe we wouldn't get outcoached by even the worst coaches in the league. i don't know. maybe...
  18. the problem is that this team is going to HAVE to carry him and they can never walk into a game being as prepared or schemed or managed better than the other team. it's great that they love him and play hard for him, but he's holding them back. desire doesn't win games by itself.
  19. Rushing offense : 31st - with a healthy CMC Rushing defense : 31st - at least we're consistent.
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