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Everything posted by rayzor

  1. Locking because of some weird thing going on between two posters. Next time @TrevorLaurenceTime22 and @DMathematicsget a private room somewhere. I see you going at each other or anyone else and end up hijacking a thread and you're gone.
  2. I think the team likes Baker so they are making excuses for him. A lot of the issues as far as getting on the same page was created or at least made worse by that stupid competition crap. What a bunch of wasted time... but even then, something just seems off. Baker really isn't hitting any kind of groove. They can blame it on the WRs all they want and say it's up to them to get right with Baker, but they haven't had this much problem with anyone. Baker needs to get his head right
  3. Lol yeah. Long day. Brain farts everywhere.
  4. Yes please. Him or Lamar Jackson. (Fixed because I'm a moron)
  5. yes...all this factors into a coaching/leadership problem. coach the players up and put them in better situations. take control of the situation. adapt who you have to what you need.
  6. can't really blame it on the players around him either. we may not be allpro at every position but we're not horrible either. it's like mayfield all of a sudden realized that he's tiny and it's in his head.
  7. seems to be a recurring theme with OCs we've had...trying to get too clever with the routes and accomplishing nothing. scheme needs to work around what baker can and can't do and needs to factor in that defenses know that if they keep on blitzing they will make him freak (not at all the ballsy QB that was advertised, btw). and you're right....we do need to be doing more man and more blitzing ourselves on defense. dish it out. we've got the guys to do it...do it.
  8. About 2 months ago my parents moved down there about 45 minutes outside of Sarasota. Moved nextdoor to my brother and sister-in-law who have lived down there for maybe 12 years. They might be having second thoughts about the move. They're all stocked up and have been spending the better part of a week getting things on their small farm ready, but the way this thing is sounding I don't know how much you can be prepared for it.
  9. No one forgets. It's that we're always close and we never close. This is a chronic problem that has been going on a very long time. At some point you have to move past the point of *we'll make it over the hump someday" to "this team just can't get it figured out"
  10. rayzor

    Rah rah

    Again, it's against bad teams that we look "improved", if we are anyways. And this whole "just a few plays away from a win" thing has been going on a long time. Teams that make those kind of comments only do so because they keep finding ways to lose. Believing in Rhule and having a fighting spirit is nice, but it doesn't consistently win games. It doesn't make you a winner.
  11. rayzor

    Rah rah

    I hope so, but it rolled more our way because it was a bad team and we were only a couple plays away from things rolling our way against two other bad teams. We looked competitive against bad teams and depended on a few things rolling our way to win. I don't have much hope of us being all that competitive against the better teams on the schedule.
  12. rayzor

    Rah rah

    Not much better. I haven't seen improvements on offense. It just keeps looking bad/impotent in different ways. I don't expect much improvement and if it does show up it will be late in the season when it's too late for a playoff berth. Then we do the same thing that has happened for years, seeing potential at the end of the season, enough to get maybe a bit excited, only to see us fall on our face again.
  13. It's possible that they aren't opening up the playbook very far, but they really need to flip the pages to the poo that works.
  14. rayzor

    Rah rah

    It's more seeing that we're still not playing well and looking at the rest of the schedule and realizing we're fugged. If we had played well, of the offense didn't look like absolute poo, it would be better. We all know the real reason we won....the saints sucked worse than any other team we've played this year. That's not something to celebrate. Winning is great, but there's a dose of reality surrounding that win that isn't pleasant....and that makes people grumpy.
  15. If they are happy with a losing coach, have at it. Either winning is the most important thing or it's not. Apparently winning matters less than loving your coach. I don't doubt the players love playing for him. Again, I don't think that ultimately matters. The goal is winning. People loved playing for Jeff Fisher too. But he was a losing coach who had a job much longer than he should have. If a team isn't winning with a coach after a couple years, they have the wrong coach....imo. and my opinion is based on the idea that winning matters much more than anything else. If his players like playing for them and we're still waiting for them to start executing going into his third season....then that's another huge red flag. Something isn't right there. Something hasn't been right. At this point I don't expect it to get right, not by this coach anyways. He just doesn't seem to be able to make it right. They might like him, but he's not helping the win. He's not getting them there. That's his job and he's not doing it. Not well enough.
  16. This. It's also possible to be happy we finally won after so long and still be upset that we played like crap and only won because another bad team played worse. I'm happy for the win, but today did nothing to make me feel we're turning a corner.
  17. Yeah he's really growing into the draft pick we thought he was.
  18. I hope we do. I don't think we will. Not enough bad teams on the schedule.
  19. I remember athletes foot. That really grew on me.
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