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Everything posted by CPcavedweller

  1. Aside from the alleged rape that took place I don't know that I would say Winston has character concerns. Player's follow him, he was the vocal leader of that team as a redshirt freshman, that alone will get him looks. Coaches like him, players like him, and once he goes a couple of years without being in trouble and begins to give back the way Cam has, the general public will like him. The argument I have is not related to off the field issues but the phrase, "the most NFL ready QB." Need I remind any Panther fan where we have heard that before.
  2. Think about having Hardy in situations where we had Wes Horton and Mario Addison playing last year. Let that sink in, and then decide if you want Hardy back.
  3. I was in the upper deck and it was still a magical moment, though slightly dulled by the copious amounts of alcohol ingested all day.
  4. See, I like Smith, but lets be honest. Cam doesn't have the best field vision yet though I do expect it to get better. I don't know how much more Smith would add to our offense than Ginn, but it isn't impossible that we sign both. Ginn will be utilized exclusively on special teams if he and Smith are both signed though and I would that as a win-win situation for us. Brown would be ahead of Ginn ultimately leaving Ginn as the 5th option in the rotation and for use on gadget plays.
  5. As an individual, not much, but to group he could help a lot. There aren't many defensive backs who can keep up with Ginn or Brown much less having a team that has two people. This forces a safety to play over the top on them instead of rolling over to cover Benji or Olsen. That also opens up our run game because the safeties will have to play honest to cope with the speed on the field. Ultimately it spreads the line, opens run lanes, leaves Benji and Olsen in more one on ones, and gives us two guys who can out run anyone we face.
  6. From a business standpoint, you can't look at what could've been avoided by not signing Hardy. What he has got to do is demonstrate that this type of behavior will not occur again, and then you must examine his worth going forward.
  7. Wow. Can we please bring this guy back. If he didn't play angry before he will be now.
  8. Logic dictates that it is a reasonable explanation given that the only ball deflated significantly was in the possession of a ball boy for the Colts. Given the preparation process outlined by Belichik, the other balls were in an expected range. Do I need to mention that after given balls properly inflated the Pats scored 4 straight TDs? So where is the advantage?
  9. So Bill and Dick own up to Spygate without hesitation, yet people still say poo like this as if they would never own up to any mistake. Stupid comments from stupid people.
  10. Just swipe right. Always swipe right. When you get a fine collection of people you know are interested after you were just swiping as fast as possible, you remove the undesirables and you're left with a list of chicks you can hit up anytime knowing they are interested. It takes the guess work out of going to a bar or club and put's the power of choice right in the palm of your hand.
  11. Hardy started his own form of charity making a fraction of what TD does, or did. Why you point out Hardy here I do not know. Personally, I hope everyone in the NFL was watching because what he said was spot on. Guys do far worse than anything Hardy has done and did in his current legal battle and get away with it.
  12. Has any player called out the NFL players before like that? I'm sure it's a common thought among the dudes who actually do give back that a lot of guys in the league sandbag but has anyone said it and meant it? (At an awards show)
  13. Why are you so compelled to assault the Patriots? You are obviously biased in your opinion. If the NFL knew about this pregame then why would they wait until an entire half had been played to test them? The NFL is preemptive in matters like this and would not allow the game to start just to prove a point. Also, I don't see where the argument that under inflated balls pose an advantage. If they are easier for the offense to catch they also are for the defense. Also, once the balls were replaced the Patriots ripped off 28 straight points. So I ask you, is 17>28? And if so, how do prove it. And if you can prove it, do you really believe the balls played a role in this game? Also, do you think the Patriots cheat and half been since Brady became the starter? Also, what are your personal feelings on citizens of the northeastern states?
  14. More likely a hypothesis. But one has to question whether or not there was some form of sabotage planned. The narrative is this: "The Patriots gained an unfair advantage by playing with underinflated balls." The real story, "When the underinflated balls were replaced, the Patriots scored 4 straight touchdowns en route to a 45-7 victory." So where is the advantage?
  15. ESPN released a story prematurely based on "Mortenson's anonymous sources". First it was D'qwell Jackson who called the ball boy over to say the ball seemed flat. Then Jackson comes out and says he has no idea where that came from and the only thing he said was to hold on to the ball for him. Then out comes the fact that the Raven's "tipped off" the Colts about light balls. Also unsubstantiated but would explain why the ball boy immediately took the ball and tested it. In my unprofessional and underqualified, yet logical, opinion, ESPN jumped the gun on reporting false information and created a media poo storm that is easy enough to continue because of the two people that are believed to be responsible. But the balls are tested, and Tom Brady isn't able to go check out the balls on the sideline. The NFL has cameras everywhere and not one caught a ball being deflated on the sideline much less 11. Hypothesis: The referees never fully checked the pressure in the balls pregame and allowed the game to be played regardless until it was brought to their attention by the Colts brass. Similar to Rodgers over inflating balls to increase velocity, Brady may like decreased pressure because he is more of a finesse guy. Ultimately, it is all preference and the notion that "Everybody does it" may not be totally incorrect in this case. Somebody screwed up in measuring the pressure pregame and now ESPN is running with the narrative they started to save face. While declaring Brady come clean about "cheating", ESPN needs to come clean about faulty journalism and falsifying news. The 21st-century sports version of "Yellow Journalism" at its finest.
  16. You find Brunnell more credible than Marino or Theismann? Really? Not a one of you have a brain region that allows you to challenge the media, especially ESPN, who is unanimously disliked around here for all things Panthers related and their analysts. But when it comes to the Patriots they must be right. You can't have it both ways. And as someone pointed out, the Packers have been caught over inflating balls.
  17. D'Qwell Jackson is now saying he was NOT the one responsible for the original inquisition as Mortensins "sources" claimed. He said he gave the ball to the manager to keep as a souvenir and had no idea about the deflated issues until he got back to Indy. So there you have, the entire beginning to this story just fell apart. Which makes you wonder what else won't hold up as more facts come out.
  18. I would prefer that people accept their spanking like a 4 year old, and move on. Test the balls if you want but 45-7 isn't a fluke, especially given the Colts history against the Patriots since Luck has arrived. The result shouldn't be any more surprising than the Seahawks come back.
  19. The ref's checked the balls. Now if you want to say ref's aided in the outcome of a 45-7 game go ahead. The only way to solve this type of issue, or at least absolve the possibility is by putting ref's on a fixed salary and make it a full time job for them. They have no incentive to not accept kick backs as their checks are not guaranteed. And UNC would never win by 100. Not on a boat with a goat, with a bear with no hair, with a mosquito drinking a mojito.
  20. Maybe it was the first time you NOTICED it. For the love of The Golden Calf of Bristol, did none of you fools here take psychology 101 and understand how you're personal feelings toward a team or person could affect the way you view things?
  21. Exactly, 45-7! People just dislike the Patriots, in the words of the fictional character Kim Jong Un, "They hate us because a they ain't us!". And that's what I read from many of my fellow Panther's fans. It's relatively easy to view this objectively but many of you have already formed your opinion on the Patriots since that 2003 loss.
  22. Fine, hold that against them. The fact of the matter is they have been the epitome of a championship Franchise for going on 15 years now and not all of that has come as a result of supposed cheating. You all are beginning to sound like the whiners on ESPN comment sections simply because you read an article and completely agreed with what was presented to you without knowing the actual facts of the situation. Everyone knows the job of the media is to stir the pot, especially in sports journalism. It has taken on a form of yellow journalism used to create hysteria and manufacture hatred, or love for one team or another. It is good for the media to continue the narrative that Andrew Luck is the second coming The Golden Calf of Bristol due to the story line they began creating since he was at Stanford.
  23. If they broke the rules, then they deserved to be punished as such. My point was the score was 45-7! This wasn't a close game at any point and the ref's supposedly checked the game balls at half time. So this is an attempt to minimize the result of the game and turn it into a classic, "the Patriots cheat" argument. I am a man of integrity personally and professionally and while I find it repulsive to thing that the Patriots would deflate balls below the threshold allowed, the balls were checked, the game continued, and the Patriots in true Patriot form came out and dominated the second half.
  24. You bunch of ninnies finding any and every reason to bash an organization that has done nothing but win since 2001 when Bill sold his soul to the devil and acquired the football jesus himself, Tom Brady. Once again. the score was 45 to fuging 7. You guys are absurd in thinking a deflated ball led to a 17-7 lead. Could it be that the Colts play and practice indoors yet Brady and company just don't lose at home? Look at their statistics at home in December and January and tell me what you think the odds the Patriots were going to win were anyway. We beat the Patriots last season and always seem to play them close when we do play. Today's NFL is to keep games close, and when they aren't close due to ref calls, then people search for other reasons. Maybe it was that Luck has sucked against the Pat's every time they have played. Maybe it is every team that goes to Foxborough from December onward is destined to lose in humiliating fashion. There were no deflated balls, this is an attempt to save face by the Colts organization because they were absolutely destroyed in the first really high profile game of their new "Mannings" career. Now his career may very well be mirroring that of Manning than ever before and in my opinion may be headed down a Marino type path.
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