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Everything posted by Growl

  1. lol darnold has had an army of people lining up to make excuses for him anywhere he goes Including here
  2. He also weighed in at 6’3” 220+, I imagine he’ll be fine. Howell measured in at just a hair over 6’0” which is probably going to draw more concerns in scouting circles
  3. oh wow you still think we’re talking about the panthers like lol
  4. I know this hard for some here to understand, every offseason discussion of big picture methodology of how teams are built and managed comes up and people who only follow the panthers have a hard time keeping up, so I’ll say it plainly We aren’t talking about the panthers we’re talking about the nfl
  5. lol except we’ve been in this window before and people complained about exactly these kinds of restructures. You’re wrong.
  6. LA doesn’t deserve a team much less a super bowl
  7. If you’re too stupid to see how important it is to have a Healthy Cap and to not kick the can down the road and to not be dumb then I can’t help you literally all of the sports places say that a healthy cap is important, maybe you should read more It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s making sure you don’t run your organization like it’s madden
  8. lol who cares the buccaneers won a super bowl, the rams are now in one, the saints have been one of the league’s premiere teams for a decade, and the patriots who archetyped this model are a dynasty imaginary “pain on the back end” that may someday come isn’t important, the big scary monster that may or may not be around the corner is not a reason to not chase success teams exist to win football games, not to have lots of cap space or make jimmy huddler’s offseason more interesting with lots of picks for his loser mock that nobody cares about
  9. A Healthy Cap is more important than winning games, I don’t wanna pull for a team that is so obsessed with winning Super Bowls that they forget what’s important, and that’s being fiscally sensible and doing it the right way
  10. I’m really not opposed to taking the big swing at a Corrall or Willow at QB but I really don’t think Pickett necessarily has to be the high floor/ low ceiling type he’s represented as.
  11. This is sensational and dumb, every fanbase in the league feels they have some exclusive rights contract with suck altogether it’s irrelevant, anyways. you don’t make draft selections on the basis of the upcoming season in a vacuum anyways
  12. A franchise QB just took a bad OL and a reviled head coach to the super bowl the argument is over you don’t pass on an opportunity to take a franchise QB just because you want to stick it to a coach you don’t like, you don’t pass on a potential franchise QB to “play it safe” in the draft its time for the panthers to draft a QB
  13. the funny thing is that we know from the team that fitterer was the driving battery behind the darnold trade
  14. No, I want you to name all the teams with 1st or 2nd year (or even just under the general purview of new) head coaches who spent millions in free agency, made trades for high profile players, gave public votes or confidence to the direction from the GM and an obvious commitment from the owner who determined that they were going to continue riding things out as they were with no changes whatsoever in either direction-up or down-just to pointlessly sit through another year for no given reason other than to do it. the team will either build up or tear down. The notion, to take this thread back to its original premise, that they will intentionally force a coach to “swallow his medicine” because they’re mad about the “cap space” he used is silly.
  15. Why don’t you name some of these instances of All The Time? let’s break them down.
  16. You haven’t formulated a thought for yourself since your mom first allowed you to get on the internet
  17. You’re projecting your own distaste for Matt rhule onto what you think the team should be doing, not that it makes any sense because no organization would simply resign themselves to 5-8 win season without making corresponding moves to prepare for a rebuild. how will you rationalize all this when players aren’t given away in a firesale? How will you rationalize when the panthers sign players in free agency? what you’re doing doesn’t exist. Dave tepper isn’t saying to himself, “we spent so much money Sam darnold, our cap, our precious cap, Rhule MUST swallow his medicine.” it isn’t real. It’s a fantasy conjured by stupid fans who obsess over trivial things like the salary cap as if they personally paid money into it.
  18. There’s no such thing as a “slow rebuild,” the days of the 5 year plan are long since gone, and nothing the panthers have done up to this point suggests the panthers are operating under this pretense. you’re insinuating some insane notion of secret handshake meetings between tepper and fitterer where they agree to simply let rhule flounder, and it’s delusional. They’re going to sign free agents. They’re going to evaluate maximum impact draft prospects. Nobody working for the panthers is intentionally trying to have a mediocre season by simply waiting it out. Everyone’s job is on the line. Also the notion that a franchise QB isn’t “foundational” is lolz.
  19. So what exactly is this in-between between trending up or down? No team in the league intentionally plans for a .500 season. You are either building or deconstructing. You don’t group together in the board room and say “look, we’re gonna win 7 games this season and then we’re gonna fire you coach, so don’t add any new players and try not to win too much!” teams either believe they are trending up or down and operate as such. Every move the panthers have made so far-every single one-has indicated which direction they believe they are heading. dave tepper didn’t keep Matt rhule with the intent to be bad next season, no matter how many absurd fan conspiracies you may have read online.
  20. Lol you’re referring to the lockout? Jerry trying to stick it Peyton Manning does not constitute willfully handicapping a coach with the ultimate hope that he will fail. Tepper had too much riding on this. They aren’t having a fire sale. They aren’t tanking.
  21. I’m sorry that you’re operating with a laughably unrealistic pretense of the way the world works so I’ll list it out -Dave tepper is not going to instruct matt rhule to intentionally do things which hinder the team from developing or winning -Matt rhule’s job is not to “prepare the roster” for the next coach no matter much Henry Huddler may wish it so -anyone who doesn’t think the QB position doesn’t have the kind of influence to turn around a team shouldn’t be poisoning others with their bad takes -the draft has precious little to do with next season and the team isn’t making decisions with that fixation
  22. And it’s a really bad take. The panthers don’t exist to stick it to Matt rhule or to acquire lots of cap space. They exist to win games. Suggesting that they should intentionally handicap the team to accomplish either of the former things is S dumb a thing as you can possibly read online.
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