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Everything posted by Growl

  1. if this team passes on yet another franchise QB with a top 10 pick I honestly hope they just fold the team how can you continue to bungle that position so consistently?
  2. Walker is about to get one of these guys hurt
  3. There’s no reason Matt rhule needs to be here tomorrow morning. Why is pj walker on the field? get a head start on the next coach.
  4. remember that play next time tepper tells you how much money he’s saving with field turf
  5. He never struck anyone as a guy who possessed the football wisdom to develop players-still the most important role of a coach-and once it was revealed he had average at best strategic and preparation ability it became tough to think of what exactly it was he was contributing. Rhule needs to stock his staff with NFL veterans who know how to teach football, then mix in a few brilliant gameday masterminds. the players on this team aren’t being developed.
  6. lol Cam pretended to slow down to run out of bounds only to turn it upfield on multiple occasions
  7. imagine if the saints draft their franchise QB only one season post Brees when the panthers have spent multiple screwing around while delaying the inevitable. still mind boggling that a team could pass on a franchise QB in the draft with a need at QB.
  8. a linebacker who played the run well sure could be of real use to this team right now but a few losses were worth it I guess so that the Panthers could look culturally acceptable to the right people. I wonder if they’ll dole out championship trophies based on vaccination percentages at seasons end.
  9. this is the correct way of thinking. ultimately it will come down to a question of positional value. You aren’t going to spend a 1st round pick on interior linemen, and you have one OT already. So it’s a simple debate of QB or OT and which matters more. Id love Cam to catch lightning in a bottle and play them out of range of a QB, I really would, (provided he remained good going forward) but right now it doesn’t seem to be trending that way.
  10. the odds of this experiment where you transplant a collegiate staff almost in it’s entirety to the nfl, and it pans out, was always infinitesimally small then you give that HC executive personnel control? People can yammer about his contract and nfl norms as much as they like-there was never a real chance this was going to work out, especially in this power structure. Pretty funny for a team talking so much about analytics to make such a low percentage play. Edit: tepper desperately wanted to be the guy who thought outside the box, defied the norms, and introduced a new way of thinking to the league, it was just as important to him as finding a qualified candidate.
  11. there’s no such thing as “overdrafted” QBs they are either 1st round talents or they are not. there will be 1st round talents.
  12. Stupid people will criticize QB prospects who inevitably become pro bowl QBs because they don’t know what they’re looking at
  13. you don’t double down on a mistake just because you’re upset about how it turned out the usual crowd of huddlers will spend the offseason nitpicking every QB prospect and clamoring for the “safest prospect available” and then a number of those QBs they criticized for not being a gEnErATIonAL talent will inevitably become good players
  14. thanks generic username 74D-3B12# I’ll take it into consideration
  15. lol rhule passed up drafting a franchise QB because he wanted Sam darnold
  16. I had barely watched a down of Panthers football this season before Cam got here and will go right back to it if he doesn’t there’s nobody else on this lazy, apathetic team with it’s nepotism built coaching staff that I care to pull for
  17. the team looks apathetic, to say nothing of sloppy. they were still alive for the playoffs, but they just didn’t care. Have guys like Jackson making business decisions thinking about how they’re gonna cash in.
  18. they’ve done nothing but throw inside the hashes all day and we’re still giving up inside leverage
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