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Jay Roosevelt

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  1. The issue of stadium funding one that needs to be addressed with legislation at the national level. No way should any city or state be handing billionaire team owners hundreds of millions of dollars to help build stadiums that will be 100% owned by the team. At the very least the taxpayers should have partial ownership of the stadium and receive revenue from any events held there or have the team(s) that play there pay rent. poo; something.
  2. What city is going to hand over billions of dollars to build a stadium for an owner who hasn't produced a single winning season in nearly a decade? Especially after Rock Hill.
  3. Was this not expected? Who here actually thought a RB who tore his ACL in November was going to be ready for training camp?
  4. I actually think we stand a higher percentage chance of winning the NFC South than just making the playoffs as a wild card.
  5. This should have been a focus last offseason. I get that he had the whole pre-draft process and there's a lot that goes into that but both he and the Panthers (after he was drafted) should have prioritized this a lot more than they did. Then again, you can say the same thing about footwork. I have no idea what that staff was doing last year. Just a total shitshow.
  6. How do they figure out OL is still bottom 10? By what metric?
  7. Hoping for mostly 1:00PM games. I wouldn't think that'd be a problem given how we've played.
  8. Laughable. No NFL team is 5-10 years away from competing in this day and age. That's not to say it isn't possible we continue to suck for the next decade but there's no reason why we HAVE to. If Bryce isn't the answer then we draft another QB next year. Or give Bryce another year and if he doesn't work out we go QB in 2026. That's how it works. It wasn't that long ago that the Texans were viewed as a lost cause. Then they drafted Stroud. Same with the Bengals pre-Burrow. No team in the NFL is more than 2 years out of contention theses days with a little luck and the right moves. Again, not saying we'll have any luck or make any right moves, but missing on a top-5 QB is no longer a 5+ year death sentence in this league.
  9. Probably in roughly the same spot, TBH. With that coaching staff we weren't going to win many games regardless. We may have finished with 4 wins or something.
  10. Hoping for Brendan Rice if he's still there.
  11. Troy Franklin Brendan Rice Ja'Tavion Sanders T.J. Tampa Mohamed Kamara Malik Washington
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