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Everything posted by iamhubby1

  1. For the most part, I agree. But you've got to admit there are, were, QBs that flung the ball all over the yard, because that was all they had on O. I mean, look at Stafford for instance. But all in all, no QB has ever been asked to do what Cam was .
  2. According to @jayboogieman "Cam was a good QB for the most part during his time here." We can't even get our own fans to appreciate what Cam brought to the table.
  3. It's football. Not life or death. Enjoy it, enjoy the big plays, enjoy the anticipation for the coming thing. Just enjoy the experience. After all. It's only entertainment. If you get upset over every loss. After 26 years, you'd have an ulcer. Which could explain why so many folks seem, a tad....edgy. If you find yourself upset over a loss, you may be taking it a tad too cereal. Life is tough enough. Losing a football game barely moves the needle. I can enjoy the game for what it is. And walk away to get on with my life. Easy peasy. Oh, and the Huddle is the bomb.
  4. Yessir, Cam defiantly changed how coaches view the QB position. And he was ours. Nobody will ever be able to take that away from us!!!!!
  5. lol So...not a fan huh? Of Tepper in specific? Or Billionaires in general?
  6. Ok, I'm done. You are never going to give ANY Panther QB their due. You probably feel the same way about all other players as well. It really is too bad you can't see what you are missing. Cuz it is some amazing stuff. But hey, you can hang your hat on our overall record.
  7. Just an FYI, but PFF has almost 400 employees at the moment. That is all.
  8. In the immortal words of Richard Dreyfuss. "I'm having a really good day", soooooooo ok.
  9. I gave you Cam, Jake, and Steve, and you pood all over them. You said, "There are some ok to a few good years in their stats, but not a lot." Now, you say this, "Cam was a good QB for the most part during his time here. Jake was above average to fairly good for a while, Steve was average to maybe above average," 1. Cam revolutionized the way teams view the QB position. 2. Jake was good until Tommy Jone showed up 3. Buerlein was really good until Seifert showed up. Between the 3 of them, that is basically 18 of our 26 years. I would say we have done pretty goodly for ourselves for the most part.
  10. Yeah, because you are right, and the rest of us are wrong. Let's just call this like it is. Because the Panthers have never had sustained success, it is the QBs fault. Right? I mean, it can't be bad coaching, or iffy GMs. It has to be the QBs. lol I guess outside of a few players, all our talent is bottom shelf. And I would much rather have "Homer Glasses" than downplay every player we have ever had. Optimism > Pessimism (Realism). Lastly, picking 3 HOFers to make your point seems fair to me.
  11. I don't want to derail the thread. But, since we're on this. I have 2 other guilty pleasures. Cars, and the Wife. lol
  12. I get it. You are in the, we have very little talent crowd. I'm in the, we have more talent than we have had in quite some time crowd. I am optimistic for what this D can accomplish this year. Whereas, you, not so much.
  13. It's the Huddle. There is always going to be someone around to tell you how wrong you are. Tune them out, and enjoy the rest. Just stick to your guns. And never give up, never surrender. lol By the by. Jake was one of the best, until Tommy Jone showed up and ruined everything.
  14. YEA, no dome. Now THAT'S some hard hitting football news. It may not be black helmet skrong But it is right up there.
  15. Ok then. I believe you are underestimating. But have at it
  16. As to CB. We have 3 quality starters. and 2 more that were here last year. I wouldn't call that thin. As for the line. We added 5 guys that may push for significant playing time. There is a reasonable chance our line is improved over last year. As to Sam. He is smart and talented. Brady appears to be a competent coach. Maybe, just maybe Sam, as a 3yr vet, gets it. So, for me, there is some optimism to be gleaned from this. You said bad QB play. Now you are adding qualifiers. I think the bad, has clouded your memory of the good. Jake gad 5 good years before Tommy Jone took him. Steve had 5 good years. Cam had 6 before the wheels started falling off. That is still 16 years of good QB play.
  17. Now see, I don;t think that is totally true, Sure we have had our share of stinkers. But we've had 3 solid starters that take up the vast majority of or starts. Jake-7yrs, Cam-10yrs, Buerlein-5yrs. So it is not all doom and gloom
  18. What about Buerlein? He had a fairly successful run while he was here. But yeah, we have had our fair share of clunkers around here. Jake = 7 years Cam - 10 years Buerlein - 5 years That is 22 years, give or take. I would say that we did pretty well for the most part. But those lean years in between were real stinkers I tell ya what.
  19. I've seen video from OTAs where he looked smooth, with soft hands, I would say he has a shot at catching some balls this year.
  20. I love it. You just can't help yourself. You keep coming back time after time. Do you truly believe you affect me? lol You do notice that I don't quote you? But here we are. You continue to return to me like a cat I fed once. lol @ u
  21. Oh yeah. I'm more into the entertainment aspect anymore. Too much going on to waste energy getting all kerfuffled over sports, or a sports board. Although, there are days every now and then, when Ill get a bit frisky.
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