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Everything posted by panfanman

  1. Horrible. He was so off tune it was like nails on a chalk board. I like him a lot but it was a poor performance.
  2. I need to look back at past half-time shows to figure out when the last good one was.
  3. That was it!?!? Hmmm. . . wasn't impressed. Still WAY better than that trash last year.
  4. She's good. The whited hood dancers aren't my favorite.
  5. The tethering seems to make the beginning look awkward but I could get past that.
  6. I expect a better half time show than last year but that ain't saying much. Lol Last year was close to the worst.
  7. The ball came loose but was it controlled and possessed?
  8. Well a no call on the PI and no call on hitting the kicker. Hmmmm. . . coincidence?
  9. For the love of Gawd no. . .just no to trading up in the 1st round.
  10. Desperate moves net disappointing results. I'm hoping we can get Carr so we don't have to be desperate. I'm always looking for a good trade back opportunity to give us more draft capital.
  11. Ricky Stromberg C from Arkansas is the guy I'm looking at in about round 5. Started his career at guard and then moved to center where he was more than solid. Could be good depth at both positions.
  12. This is one horribly unrealistic simulator. Without raping the other teams, here's mine.
  13. I once voiced my unpopular opinion on the huddle and came close to being banned so I'll keep them to myself. Lol
  14. Every time I see that State Farm commercial with Andy Reed I chuckle.
  15. Same exact catch in the last game ruled a catch. Oh well.
  16. Leading with the helmet and that's what can happen.
  17. Good job from the retired serviceman on the national anthem.
  18. That's what I noticed early on and mentioned but got poohed. Whatever.
  19. Thank goodness we're above that as Panther fans and never do that. *Eye roll*
  20. Josh Johnson ( backup QB) 49ers. Been with 13 teams in his career and done N O T H I N G!!! Now he's playing in the NFC championship. How has he not been with us at some point? Lol
  21. On Philly's next position, keep an eye on the left guard and right tackle.
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