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Everything posted by TheRumGone

  1. Yeah I know. Honestly I regret posting in this thread and when we found out in all-pro. Deaths are serious and dlo reacted how he felt even if I personally feel it was a petty jab after being released and how he was during the season because of this. I don't know any of these people irl and tbh my comments are just as petty as i perceive dlo's comments to be. I don't know him or really know the situation so this all seems like petty speculation.
  2. oh i understand. jstew and dlo were suppose to be tight. i just meant my comment was some tmz poo.
  3. also interesting that jstew wasn't there but made it to clausen's wedding. this is some tmz poo though
  4. i've refrained from posting in this thread because i'm sure DeAngelo was reading it. now that it's cooled off a bit; what i've quoted are my thoughts. I would be more concerned with the death of my mother and my family members well-being than what coworkers and bosses around me were doing. And that is why it is petty to come out and say this. It tarnishes all the good he has done for breast cancer awareness in the NFL to a degree. Dlo is not a dumb guy. I think he's gonna regret this eventually.
  5. I know beggers can't be choosers but ginn had career lows last year for kr and pr. That said he'd obviously be an upgrade. He's getting older though
  6. Honestly cam is probably pissed that he had Byron bell and Nate chandler protecting him after undergoing ankle surgery. This could get nasty
  7. I'd rather have those holes than a massive gaping hole at qb that can be filled with a guy like cam. That said, once again, draft will be key
  8. i get it. dude is an athletic freak. but lets not forget this kid didn't even play any meaningful football last year. Not one game. when you are looking at a player you look at everything. There is no tape on him last year. DG is a tape guy. Thats going to be a major problem, regardless of his off the field activities that got him to the position he was in. that's where the hype is coming from. he's sort of an unknown with crazy freakish measurables and a season with 12 Tds two years ago do you really think DG is going to draft this kid at 25. uh, no. no chance. we can't afford to take a gamble on a guy like this right now. Even taking away his off-the field issues.
  9. ^ lol That place looks amazing
  10. thank you. as for RW being on this team. There is no way he would have even been given close to a chance of starting over Cam in 2012 after Cam's GOAT rookie year. That said it would have been nice to show him off in preseason and possibly get a trade for him.
  11. i've said it before. i hope we lock him up sooner rather than later. i'm afraid he will explode in his fifth year after getting healthy and bringing more pieces in. cost will rise more that way than just the way it naturally does in the market.
  12. How exactly is she a crazy bitch? From the sound of it seems like Delanie is the crazy bitch
  13. i wasn't trying to say smith and hardy are similar situations. just that the smith cut may show DG's opinion has a higher value than many of us could imagine with JR. This could work in Hardy's favor for us retaining him. JR and smith are really, really tight. i think the players love greg and i think greg loves ron and playing for the panthers. I just think when he sees those dollar signs (that is also dependent on some things) that he will take the money and run. I wouldn't blame him. There are just so many damn moving parts to all of this it's very hard to come up with even a 70% conclusion either way. i'm sure this has been posted before in some way but i haven't read all the way through this thread.
  14. if he ends up in the south i'm going to vomit. and pray DG knows his OT's
  15. thats when you just click x out of the thread, and go to something else or create something yourself. i've done that when i'm tired of talking about something. ego's clash here at times. myself included. I literally rage posted about the seven second pause with CRA for a good 10 pages then said fug this. it happens. everybody wants to be right in some form or fashion or want their opinions to be validated because it's fun and it's part of being the hardcore fans that we are. we are all mini GMs
  16. i don't think it's a publicity stunt, but it does create some buzz, which is good for business and i appreciate voth for writing it. Shows a bit of insider information which is fun to talk about. But at the end of the day do you think players going to JR are going to influence him enough to actually consider it? Especially with what Hardy put us through this past season? still seems unlikely. especially with the NFL logo at the 50 yard line. my hope is DG is really running things (smith cut shows something) and that DG loving his pass rushers will kind of spark something. If DG passes on Hardy it means hardy is a bigger fughead than anybody here knows. DG's favorite players are pass rushers and Hardy is the best in the business, especially for his young age. there are a lot of things going on right now and we are all trying to make sense of it.
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