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Everything posted by PandaPancake

  1. Don't come crying to us when he takes a bat to your Ferrari
  2. Dammit. Oh well I go for low hanging fruit.
  3. Incognito next? Sorry if someone already said it.
  4. I'm not sure KB can catch anything without two guys hanging off his arms.
  5. I'm just glad I live far enough from Denver I don't have to worry about a Roaring Riot camping trip parked out on my property for a weekend when the Panthers play here. It's an hour to the stadium if anyone is wondering.
  6. That's what we thought. I plan on being employed by my current company until everything closes.
  7. @by_jbh for those interested in his Twitter
  8. Thank you. Let's wait until after I talk to this realtor on Saturday. No sense in wasting time if it takes us six months to find something we like
  9. I'm sure it's good advice but you'd have to give me 30% more advice to equal American advice. I was just looking out for your fingers. I have no idea about Denver. I'm looking north. I'm more about the land than the house itself. We found one 3 bed 2 bath with 180 acres for 315
  10. Maybe one had too many experiences buying a car and not wanting to give away too much information. We have a price range, we already have a liquid down payment that's about a fifth of our budget. We don't want to get too much of a loan in case our income changes. Should income or down payment be mentioned? Or just set a ceiling price? What lenders should we see? What are the guidelines for income to debt ratio? How do they feel about student loan debt? What interest rate should we look for? Should I use my VA loan? The fiance is a W2 and by the time we sign I'll be self employed. Part of this purchase would be moving my consulting business from the offIce I'm leasing now to a separate structure on the land. We're looking at 100+ acre properties. Because my business will be there should that effect how long our loan is?
  11. Saturday I go meet with a realtor. What should I mention and what should I not mention? Any advice would be helpful. Except from Hawk and weird Canadian advice.
  12. I wish he would get up there and say, we're looking to trade up for Winston
  13. You may not remember but Rodeo is in love with the Patriots because his mom's cousin, twice removed, best friend played 30 seconds for the Patriots. He's a fuging a douche and I really wish he would die in a horrible way. I have no idea who you are I just take the chance to hate on that little bitch any chance I get because the world would be a much better place without him.
  14. 80 yesterday. It's snowing now
  15. You can always come by the room for a beer.
  16. I'm thinking I need a keg in my room for this trip
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