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Kentucky Panther

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Everything posted by Kentucky Panther

  1. Winning 5 or 6 games this season would only hurt us going forward. Which is why I’m all in the on the tank. This season is lost. Unless you are so blinded by homerism you think PJ Walker can actually lead us to the playoffs.
  2. Go back and watch Levis from 2021. We had a much better OC at Kentucky. Liam Coen. He’s with the Rams now, but he really flashed Will’s potential last season with his play calling. Kentuckys offense has really taken a step back year and it can mainly be attributed to play calling.
  3. You swing and miss sometimes. It happens. We needed picks and to get rid of that contract.
  4. The huddle, as usual, in complete meltdown mode when the reality is, it wasn’t a bad trade for the Panthers.
  5. Nobody, but nobody also wants to watch us do the exact same crap next season with an atrocious offense and QB. A high draft pick gives us hope for next year. What does going 5 - 12 do for us? 4 - 13? Other than allow us to possibly miss out on the QB we want. The season is completely lost already. People don’t have your mindset unless they still have hope for this year. There is none.
  6. People can hate and complain about tanking all they want but the fact of the matter is, getting a top pick puts us in a better position going forward than winning 4 or 5 pointless games.
  7. Stroud or Levis. Not sure which one I like more right now.
  8. First would have obviously been nice but not sure how realistic it is to get one for a running back. Even one of the better ones. The haul we got could have been worse. Not to mention the number one pick is all but guaranteed as of tonight.
  9. I definitely think size is an issue, but if he’s got arm talent then it can be overlooked. I have read mixed reviews on BYs arm strength, is it a strength or weakness of his?
  10. Darnolds biggest issues were caused by a disastrous offensive line last year. We actually have a good unit this year. What a Panthers thing it would be for Sam to come in and win a few games, thrashing our hopes of the number one pick.
  11. Stu would literally tear Robbie in half. A good chunk of this board could probably beat that clown up.
  12. If I had my choice at QB with the first pick, I would have them ranked like this 1. Stroud - the complete package. Good arm strength, great vision, very accurate. Faced good competition at OSU. I am not holding the Ohio State thing against him, I think it is silly to think someone can’t play just because they went to a certain school. 2. Levis - biggest arm in the draft. Can make every NFL throw. He’s a little older than you would like but I don’t think it’s a big concern. Also a very tough/fluid athlete. Can make plays with his feet and get tough yards when he wants to. 3. Young - most accurate passer in the class. It’s honestly insane how well he reads the field. You never feel like the play is over with this guy in the pocket. Questions about his arm strength and size are valid, though Any other QB in this class we shouldn’t be using a first round pick on. Hooker has looked great lately but he can’t make the throws these other three can. Great tough on deep balls, but I don’t see the NFL throws with him that Stroud, Levis, and Young make. He’s also about to be 25, which is pretty old for any rookie.
  13. Bingo. Might as well embrace it and enjoy the first pick.
  14. Been joking about it for a while but I think we are destined for the first pick. We are bad.
  15. DaveThePanther from the forum thinks he knows more about football than me. Not sure how I’ll sleep tonight. I live in reality, little guy. The fact is drafting high gives us a better chance at future success than winning 4 or 5 meaningless games. You keep fighting that good fight, though.
  16. Oh boo hoo. We are on a fan forum. Obviously players and coaches won’t lose on purpose. I can’t believe I have to explain this to you.
  17. It’s common sense we have a better chance of drafting a franchise QB winning 3 games instead of 7. Both of those outcomes end up with our asses on the couch watching the playoffs. Who cares about a few extra wins during a mediocre season?
  18. Oh oh, I forgot. What we’ve been doing with QB lately has been working great! I don’t care who we draft in the first round as long as it’s quarterback
  19. I guess we are happy Washington won right?
  20. Are any of us really going to be upset if the Panthers don’t win another game all year? That’s the best possible outcome at this point.
  21. I like this list, other than Leftwich. Add in Ryans for me in his place.
  22. At this point we need an offensive coach. Have we ever had one? Please don’t tell me Matt Rhule was supposed to be.
  23. Hooker is several notches below Levis as a prospect. Several.
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