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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. Has good scoot, accelerates, kind a one cut guy but it's difficult to tell with the offensive line. Doesn't block well but then again no one on the team does so I suspect it's more about coaching than talent or willingness. Hard to tell how well he catches out of the backfield for the above stated reasons, but projected well in college. I dunno I'm just reaching on things to be optimistic about here.
  2. its gonna be that guard from NC state and it will be fine
  3. the thing that really boggles my mind is where are the sideline go routes? those are some of the safest, easiest throws in the nfl. just three step drop, throw it to where only your guy can catch it or it goes out of bounds safeties are sitting on crossing routes it's inexplicable.
  4. here's a good write up on Howell from someone who works in the industry on another board tl;dr he sucks This is about comparing him to baker mayfield
  5. atleast SWrs get paid when they get fuged. Panthers fans on the other hand...
  6. Just want to point out Ian Thomas just tried out juke out a DB instead of putting his head down.
  7. You don't trade Burns. You find a way to use him. Any coach that can't figure out how to put him in a position to succeed is a bad coach.
  8. Most of the Panthers have never been in a successful organization. Maybe CMC or Moton depending on how you feel about the last few years of Rivera. Gilmore has won a super bowl, DMVP, and been in New England. Very likely commands a lot of respect in that locker room. Wonder what they talk about in group texts, or after meetings, or after Rhule gives a post loss speech. Wonder how he feels after he spent an entire day in single coverage on AB just trying to keep him from going deep with no one underneath to help. I would start casually mentioning how other, better organizations run things. Just a thought.
  9. yeah was kinda interested to see how he and Reddick would do, but of course now Reddick has covid too.
  10. even the team's immune systems are checking out under this coaching staff
  11. Specifically ruhle said "you're either cleansed by the fire or burned by it." That is the stupidest goddamn poo I've ever heard. Ruhle is like some bizarro ted lasso
  12. All I want from this game is for brady to get badly injured
  13. this i lowkey the story of the season and i do not fuging understand it at all
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