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Everything posted by MillionDollarCam

  1. This is interesting… Hornets were definitely trying to emulate the Panthers.
  2. That’s pretty funny! I also like your username. Soccer has always been my first love, played it and coached it all my life. The individual I coach under played for the youth Welsh national team and is a brilliant sports mind. The guy has more licenses then I can count. He’s also pretty damn funny, I laugh my ass off when he gets in a mood and starts calling people sheep shaggers.
  3. If Cam can make the throws that P.J. made today (high likely as most of them were very simple routes) then you don’t have to run a two-QB system. Cam can do things that P.J. can’t (no offense to P.J.), not the other way around.
  4. Best kicker I’ve seen since this guy.
  5. Fairly certain he didn’t play the rest of the game. There wasn’t an injury update but I believe one of the Twitter sports docs indicated that he may have dislocated a finger. With that said, it’s nice to have a GM that places a premium on having an elite secondary in a passing league. Donte Jackson, Stephon Gilmore, C.J. Henderson, A.J. Bouye, Keith Taylor, Myles Hartsfield, Rashaan Melvin, Stanley Thomas-Oliver, Jeremy Chinn, Juston Burris, Sam Franklin, Sean Chandler, Kenny Robinson… then Jaycee Horn and Troy Pride on IR… I can’t think of a better secondary in the NFL.
  6. I wouldn’t even put Paradis on the list. Our struggles basically came down to Darnold not being able to read and process NFL defenses. P.J. went through his reads very quickly today; I can’t remember many scenarios where he had the ball still in his hands past 3.5 seconds. I think we were able to see today why Brady was getting so frustrated with Darnold. His vision and football IQ just isn’t where it needs to be to be an NFL QB.
  7. Best defensive performance we’ve had all season. Really feels like we are somehow in this game in spite of the officiating.
  8. Still not sold on Rhule yet but if there is anyone who can make a two-QB system work in the NFL, it’s a former college coach. Most of them have run a two-QB system or at least developed plays for multiple QB’s at some point in their coaching career.
  9. I don’t want to hear any excuses about the Cardinals playing without Murray and Hopkins. We’ve been playing with fuging Sam Darnold for half the year and won 4 games in spite of him.
  10. Don’t get complacent. Need a TD here in the third and one to ice it in the fourth.
  11. That’s how you play a fuging nice half of football.
  12. This looks more like the Saints offense that Brady was a part of… slant, slant, run, run, screen, slant, slant.
  13. Would love to get some sort of points here since we also get the ball after halftime.
  14. BS flags might be the only thing that keeps this team from running train on this Cardinals team.
  15. This is a prime example of why you don’t lease your soul to players. Rhule and company should have made this move a couple games ago… he nearly let himself get fired over Sam fuging Darnold.
  16. Unfortunately for Sam that might be if he’s lucky. It’s not going to help him in the slightest that his backup has come in the game and been able to find wide open receivers. Not saying that Sam is dumb but he clearly has trouble processing our playbook and NFL defenses.
  17. This defense is about to tear the league up… finally getting breaks instead of getting up from the bench every few moments.
  18. It was really hard to tell unless you go to all the games because you don’t get the full view of the field but with P.J. finding wide open holes in the defense it appears it was Darnold not Brady.
  19. Starting to look like Darnold can’t read defenses… P.J. taking what the defense is giving him so far.
  20. Darnold sucked the entire life out of this football team, they look different. Hate it for Darnold because he’s a human being but it’s time to move on.
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