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Everything posted by Martin

  1. I really hope we’ll see Zavala on the left. That could be a spectacular left side for us for many years to come. The run game potential!
  2. This is my biggest concern. Would have preferred to move Zavala to LG and gone with Jensen at RG. McCray looked bad in preseason and has Mays even played LG in the past?
  3. I think we could cause some issues for Carr with our pressure, so that will be interesting to see. All I’m asking for is some good progress for the offense, anything else is a bonus.
  4. Martin


    I’m wondering the same thing. Is this his first year in the NFL with proper coaching? His first two years were an absolute shitshow.
  5. I was trying to say next year as he is entering his final year, also the year we have our 2nd. It’s a long shot for sure. But I would see what it would take. Next year is the year to trade for a stud WR for Bryce.
  6. I would like to see a trade for Brandon Aiyuk next year. Don’t see how 9ers can afford to resign him in 2025. Long shot, but I would consider doing it for our 2nd round pick.
  7. As far as I remember he had a terrible attitude and turned a lot of teams off.
  8. There has been a lot of bad football in week 1. Makes me feel better about the Panthers tbh.
  9. Zavala was so interesting. Almost everywhere he was considered a very good prospect, but he still fell to the fourth round. Great pick for us.
  10. Funny thing is that if I’m a Falcons fan, I would be happy with the win but really, really concerned with what I saw.
  11. At least we didn’t make our QB the highest paid one in history like the Bengals. Burrow is such a bust. What a terrible player. Based on todays game he will be out of the game for good shortly. Am I doing this right?
  12. Atlanta only had 220 yards. Defense was not the reason we lost, they were the reason we were in the game for so long.
  13. The reason he fell in the draft was due to his accuracy and ball placement issues. He might become an ok NFL QB, but those are hard things to overcome. He is the weakest link of an otherwise loaded offense for the Falcons.
  14. Agree with this 100%. We were at a point where we for a short while could look past previous mishaps and be excited and focus on the new coaching staff and Bryce. Then the whole Burns fiasco (putting 100% blame on the front office for this one) happened. I’m still excited, but it has put a damper on things no doubt.
  15. Im super excited about the season opener. But the Burns debacle has put a slight damper on it to be honest. Just not the way I wanted us to start the season.
  16. Agree on the Burns thing. As you turned down the trade (I’m kind of ok with that) there should have been a plan in place to sign Burns long term. Being 2 days away from kickoff and it still being unresolved is unacceptable. However, losing faith in your GM for a trade up in the third round is wild.
  17. Bosa is great, no doubt about it. He’s also playing on a stacked line and defense. Don’t get me wrong, he’s still a superior player, but Burns stats would most likely look different on the 49ers defense. So just one more factor to include when comparing the two.
  18. He is widely considered a top 5-10 player at his position, so he will be paid as a top 3 player this year and next year 2-3 players will overtake him, and then another 2-3 players the year after. That is the standard model in the NFL. He gets paid with the expectation that he will perform accordingly. If he underperforms everyone should feel free to complain. Fairly straightforward.
  19. Not sure where you’re coming from here, but context matters. I was making the case for people talking about other well managed teams and how essentially all of them pay their best pass rusher. So being against paying market value for Burns (real market value, not huddle logic and spreadsheet value) and at the same time admiring other teams doing the exact same thing makes no sense.
  20. How many of those teams have let their best pass rusher leave?
  21. Got you, that makes sense. I was a bit thrown off there for a minute
  22. So you are saying Highsmith did much better when Watt got all of the attention, but not as good when Watt was out? Am I reading that right? If so you could also assume Burns would blow those numbers out if the water playing opposite Watt. So you’re kind of making the opposite argument you were thinking, right?
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