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Everything posted by Martin

  1. I agree with this. It would be extremely important who they surround themselves with. The vet dream DC would be Vic Fangio. Then you can completely let go of the defense.
  2. I was hoping for Humphrey as well, that one was a hard pill to swallow no doubt.
  3. I think taking a LS in round six was asinine. But the ongoing complaints from many posters that we were the stupid ones not drafting him when nobody else did either until Chiefs did in the sixth round is a bit much. We’ve done plenty of stupid stuff, but that one is a stretch.
  4. Every team and gm in the league passed on him until the sixth round. Chiefs passed on him for five rounds. A center on the second round was a no brainer, but the sixth round guard? People need to let that one go, it is 100% hindsight.
  5. I was surprised how good Elflein (excl. snap issues, not sure who was at fault) looked. I think our o-line will get really good over the next couple of games. Encouraging.
  6. This is one of the weirder discussions I’ve seen, and that says a lot. We were in the lead at the end of the game. Doesn’t matter what happened before that. Should we been better? Yes. Does Rhule suck? Yes. Is it our fault we are in this situation? Yes. But at this point we were in the lead, unless people want to say we weren’t in the lead (hint, we were in the lead). On the final Browns drive they got two extremely questionable calls going their way, and won the game. There is no big conspiracy theory here, the refs messed up and thereby helped the Browns win. This could not be more clear.
  7. The second half gave me some hope. Will it carry over to the next game? I don’t know, but I’ll stay optimistic. I’m very torn, as I want Rhule and Snow out of here, but I also want some wins, it is a tough situation to be in, no doubt.
  8. I wouldn’t waste any money in FA at this point. The coaches need to coach what they have. Save what you have to spend for next year.
  9. I think everyone is aware the first half was terrible.
  10. It shows he finished the game really well after a terrible start. Could be something to build on for the next game. I’m 100% sure it is not a bad thing though.
  11. Yes, Leftwhich would be very interesting as well. I still want to stick to the offensive side for a new HC.
  12. It is 100% Rhule’s fault, there is no doubt about that. But we also got screwed by the refs on the last drive. Not mutually exclusive. I loved this from the Raleigh Observer (?): “And as much as people will point to a questionable roughing-the-passer penalty on Brian Burns that jump-started the Browns’ winning drive and set up their long-range field goal for a 26-24 win, much of the blame lies where it so often does, on a head coach who managed to both settle for a field goal and leave too much time on the clock at the end, a pair of decisions that came back to bite him on each cheek. There’s a gym class somewhere missing Matt Rhule, whose team managed to look like 53 guys who were meeting for the first time in the first half only to be let down, once they figured things out, by their coach’s decision-making at the most critical moment in the second… Rhule even walked away with a timeout in his pocket after the Panthers got the ball back with 8 seconds to go, for all the world looking like a guy pulling a Full Costanza after finding out the Nebraska job was open. If the Panthers had any trophies, he’d be dragging them around the parking lot right now. That, at least, would have been a Rhule decision fans could get behind.”
  13. That is a bit of a weird take as our pro bowl pass rusher did exactly what was needed on this last drive and got to the QB, only to have the refs step in.
  14. I like Dorsey. We need to finally get a good play calling HC. Something is off with Bieniemy, he should have gotten a job a long time ago, lots of flags there.
  15. One thing that might help this year is that we have a couple of coaches who can easily step in as HC. Wouldn’t mind seeing Tabor as HC, keep McAdoo as OC and do Wilks or Holcomb as DC. Or Wilks as HC.
  16. I agree we didn’t play well enough to keep it from being a factor. However there were 6 games yesterday decided by 3 points or less. There are so many close games every week so too often calls like these become a factor.
  17. I agree. It was a really rough one, but we did enough to win before the refs got involved. We should have done better bla bla bla. Of course we could have done more. But on their last drive we sacked their QB and the ref gave us a penalty, the defense did exactly what was needed at that point to win the game. The refs was the difference on the last drive in a poorly played game between two not good teams.
  18. Long term deal. If Tepper finally has his QB I have no doubt he will pay for a long term contract.
  19. 10-7, Baker establishes himself as our long term QB.
  20. I’m just curious about your need to constantly be a condescending know-it-all a-hole when people don’t agree with you. Stats are ok when you use them but not when other people use them. Just relax a bit, have a discussion, be ok to disagree, try to be nice at times, you might enjoy it for a change.
  21. Their DEs are very good, but are their DTs good? I think they are fairly light and we might have success running against them. if out run D holds up we should have a good chance to win this one. We should be able to stack the box with our DBs.
  22. The idea of Nixon with great testing testing scores, defensive poy in college etc. was intriguing. But he did last to round 5 for a reason. I was hoping we got lucky with him but he hasn’t showed much in the run game. This is a run game upgrade, and we needed that. Wouldn’t be surprised if they expect to be able to sign him to the PS. Who would pick him up at this point? So a good overall move.
  23. I was surprised nobody had complained about it, but I just couldn’t see this thread as it was blocked by the f ing GMC ad. How’s that for irony? This needs to get fixed without me having to add ad blocking software on my phone.
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