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  1. Well I'm actually fine with the start. I can now turn this crap off and have the rest of the year to do something else on Sundays. We are sadly entering into a decade long malaise of being simply awful. Lastly, Bryce Young sucks. He should never have been drafted and the only positive is we can erase this mistake in the next draft. #0-16 or bust
  2. Any show that doesn't have Boomer or Phil immediately got 100 times better. To say they sucked is an understatement
  3. On paper today, a C. A WR with all the tools, but not polished. A talented RB coming off of ACL repair. A pass catching TE with good not great speed and not a great blocker. Two in the box LBs that aren't great in coverage. A DT with average at best pass rushing skills. An undersized slot Corner. A lot of boxes checked, but it all depends on how good the scouting department is and how they develop. In 2 to 3 years, we will know if it's much better, the same or much worse than what we thought
  4. Run stopper. Not much of a threat to get sacks, but let's LBs do their job. Love this pick in the 6th
  5. Crumedy is a run stuffing plugger. Hard worker. Not a pass rush move, but will stop the run
  6. Small as hell. Not what I was wanting or expecting.
  7. Crumedy is not overpowering but he is a runstuffer. Would be a good pick for our 6th round if there. I'd get Washington next off that list but would also like The CB James from Auburn as well, though he didn't visit
  8. To much wheeling and dealing took several guys who would contribute quickly off the board. Right now another WR or a couple of DB are about all that's left to contribute
  9. Taking the best player available sounds great until you line up with the WR we currently have and realize we have no gamebreakers and will score 10 points a game. Then you wade through a 3 win season and are back wanting a WR in the 2025 draft. No, I dont think we have to reach to get at least 1 playmaking WR in round 2.
  10. WR, WR and C in whatever order. We truly have no gamebreakers on offense and we need to get them. We obviously need Edge, TE, LB, CB and S but how much can you do in one draft? We have lots of needs but WR is tops
  11. Stop with the stupid trades. We are in the shape we are by making stupid trades and making stupid selections. Staying where we are can get us 3 to 4 quality long term players if we choose wisely.
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