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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. Meanwhile... Every once in awhile, Colin Cowherd likes to remind us that he's a dumbsh-t
  2. That'd make about as much sense to me as "yeah, he was once a fry cook and he dresses sloppy"
  3. For whatever reason, It doesn't seem to want to give him the defensive coordinator title. It basically means that he can interview for DC jobs elsewhere even though he's technically already doing the job. Kinda dumb, but yeah. Belichick is his own person. (even when that person might be stupid)
  4. That season proves the exact opposite, actually. Coaching is why we lost that Super Bowl.
  5. Regarding yhat last line, I'm honestly not sure why that'd be expected
  6. Been mulling this over, and decided in order to clarify the real issue here, I'll tell ya what I've seen in the time I've been watching the Panthers. This team has had... One of the best offensive weapons since LaDainian Tomlinson in Christian McCaffrey... One of the most physically insane specimens to ever play quarterback in Cam Newton... An equally insane physical freak on the other side of the ball in Julius Peppers... One of the best linebackers in the history of the game in Luke Kuechly... A tight end capable of three straight thousand yard seasons in Greg Olsen... A hard hitting and incredibly resilient linebacker in Thomas Davis... A backfield that could drive opposing defenses nuts with both power and speed in the combo of DeAngelo Williams and Jonathan Stewart... And speaking of power and speed, one of the most intimidating receivers ever to see the field in Steve Smith. There's more of course, but the point is that we've had plenty of great players. Do any of those guys have championship rings from their time here, though? No. Why? Because for all the talent we've been able to put on the field, what we haven't had are coaches who knew how to maximize the skills those players possessed. Newton spent most of his career being coached by Mike Shula. Shula and Rivera used him In a way that would have made Buddy Ryan proud, but what they should have been doing from early on is maximizing his passing. That didn't really happen until Norv Turner got here. Turner did more with Newton in a single offseason than Shula did his entire career here, but by that time Newton's body was already starting to wear down. Eventually, the price of playing him the way Rivera had done came due and not only was that dominant physical specimen gone, but the throwing arm which conceivably could have sustained his career much longer was damaged as well. Likewise, you had McCaffrey here for his first few years. Similar to Newton, Rivera used him, and used him, and used him, and used him. Rarely in the most effective way possible mind you, but never short on quantity...and thus, wear and tear. McCaffrey's had better career luck than Newton in that he's now getting the chance to go and work under an offensive coach who knows what to do with him. We've yet to see whether the wear and tear from Rivera's coaching shortens his shelf life like it did Cam's, but at the very least he's got a better chance to be what he can be than he did before. So yeah, we've had talent. Sometimes more of it, sometimes less of it, but more often than not it's been there. To quote the great Pete "Maverick" Mitchell though, "It's not the plane. It's the pilot." The dream we have this offseason Is that maybe we can finally find our "top gun" and he can guide this team and its players down the right path. Until we do, we're just gonna keep wasting potentially brilliant careers. Here's hoping...
  7. This is what we call...a double standard. If you want to use something like that, it's up to you, but in doing so you forfeit the right to complain when somebody else does the same. I would add you also open the door to anyone who wants to say that Newton dragged us down during the losing seasons he had here, and you will have nullified your ability to argue otherwise.
  8. Correct. In the past, teams could do a half-assed interview with a position coach and say they'd done their due diligence.
  9. So apparently someone contacted Bieniemy...
  10. You're basically arguing with imaginary people at this point. Granted, that's easier than arguing with what people actually say.
  11. He has the title of linebacker coach. He performs the duties of a defensive coordinator.
  12. And again, apart from one season, the same could be said of Newton. And it's a false one, but creating another false narrative doesn't fix it.
  13. It's wrong either way. Winning and losing are a team stat. As to the past five years, that's not on McCaffrey. It's primarily on the guy who bought the franchise, secondarily on the GM he left in too long and the dumbass coach they hired together.
  14. Not that I know of but the full-on research isn't done yet. Can't recall anything specific from the previous times I've read his bio.
  15. I don't actually know why Breer has been tying Johnson to Wilks. If there's a connection between them, I've missed it.
  16. Are you positive he's old enough to know what that is?
  17. From what I understand, Mayo does the job of a defensive coordinator. He just doesn't have the title. Belichick is kind of a dickhead about these things.
  18. Well you should have no trouble finding a quote to prove your point then. It's pretty obvious you're bullsh-tting, but when you're defending a stupid argument that's probably all that's left.
  19. And as his performance since that day shows, it would have been an incredibly stupid thing to do.
  20. If people have a list of your dietary needs, they'll probably have a good idea of what you're going to order from the caterer. Everybody knows what we need. We could go into the draft every day from here on out telling people that we're looking for a middle linebacker and nobody's gonna buy it.
  21. This from somebody who just a few months ago was defending Matt Rhule?
  22. Some of them have already been asked to change teams, specifically by you. And no, I don't tie any player to their team's win-loss record because as I've said repeatedly, teams win and teams lose. Win percentage is not a player stat, not even for quarterbacks. And yes, you have wanted to see McCaffrey fans sad because of Newton. It's incredibly ignorant, but It's your thing, you've stuck with it and justified it over and over again. You'd be smarter to just drop it.
  23. Same, but I'm also not up for trading a massive haul to move up and get an unknown rookie.
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