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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. And as his performance since that day shows, it would have been an incredibly stupid thing to do.
  2. If people have a list of your dietary needs, they'll probably have a good idea of what you're going to order from the caterer. Everybody knows what we need. We could go into the draft every day from here on out telling people that we're looking for a middle linebacker and nobody's gonna buy it.
  3. This from somebody who just a few months ago was defending Matt Rhule?
  4. Some of them have already been asked to change teams, specifically by you. And no, I don't tie any player to their team's win-loss record because as I've said repeatedly, teams win and teams lose. Win percentage is not a player stat, not even for quarterbacks. And yes, you have wanted to see McCaffrey fans sad because of Newton. It's incredibly ignorant, but It's your thing, you've stuck with it and justified it over and over again. You'd be smarter to just drop it.
  5. Same, but I'm also not up for trading a massive haul to move up and get an unknown rookie.
  6. We actually had two or three more guys scheduled to interview (McDaniels, Stefanski and I think somebody else) but cut the process short after meeting with Rhule. Obviously, they have to satisfy the Rooney requirements, but it's possible that could happen again. (maybe not quite as possible as before given that Marty Hurney and apparently Steven Drummond aren't involved this time)
  7. But your logic of "I want Christmas McCaffrey fans to be unhappy because Cam Newton fans were unhappy" (which, by the way is one of the stupidest and most irrational things ever seen on this board) has nothing to do with any of that, right? Yeah, sure Red Maybe people would take you more seriously on that point if you'd stop continuously referring to him as "that white runningback".
  8. That logic would tie Cam Newton to a whole bunch of losing seasons. You wanna stick with that?
  9. I thought it was gonna be a shorter list
  10. Also regarding Steichen... As I recall, Campen only spent one year there.
  11. I'm planning on doing individual profiles, but it caught me at a busy time personally. Should probably have at least some of them up next week.
  12. Johnson has a couple here as well. He's worked with QB Coach Sean Ryan before and wide receiver coach Joe Dailey is a college teammate. No direct connections in the front office that I'm aware of but he did work with Giants GM Joe Schoen in Miami. Schoen spent a couple of years working with Dan Morgan in Buffalo.
  13. That'd require a mod. It took days for them all to be revealed, and you can only edit a post for about 5 minutes. Hell, we're still waiting on at least one more. You can find the current list here though...
  14. I know there are some changes because of the rise of virtual interviews. For most of my life, that wasn't a thing. Every interview was conducted in person.
  15. Feels like we keep hearing different things. I know there was a proposal out there to withhold all interviews until after the Super Bowl was over but it got shot down (for the moment at least).
  16. Not sure I'd call it a mistake. It's still interesting. If I understand correctly, though, if they don't get Dorsey, Moore or Kafka in this week, they have to wait until they're done in the playoffs.
  17. Brady was never an OC at the NFL level...or any level. His highest title was "passing game coordinator" at LSU.
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