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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. If Shanahan decides he's a bust and they're better off going with Brock Purdy, will you side with him then, too?
  2. From a little over an hour ago... I'm gonna predict "no"
  3. That may just happen, though it might only be for Rooney Rule purposes. For the record, nobody else has asked to talk to Leftwich this year either. The bloom might be off that rose.
  4. Think you can call this game officially out of hand now...
  5. No, you don't need to take one just to take one. That's how you wind up with a jimmy Clausen.
  6. I'm not that sold on Purdy just yet, but logically speaking, your own statements about him should actually serve as a huge red flag regarding Lance.
  7. Basically what Shanahan's WCO has always been...
  8. Two touchdown lead will do that... Yeah. He's not the next Tom Brady.
  9. That is the exact definition of "reaching for need". Teams screw themselves massively doing that.
  10. In this hypothetical scenario, were talking about a team with a very quarterback friendly scheme who drafted a guy #3 overall (and traded significant resources to do so) giving up on that guy in his third season (even when one was injury shortened) in favor of sticking with 1) a guy taken last in the draft and 2) Jimmy Garoppolo. If that doesn't scream "buyer beware", I'm not sure what would.
  11. How many games did it take Purdy to look good in Shanahan's offense?
  12. If you wanna give up two picks for a guy who's only had four starts (and hasn't looked like anything special in them) more power to ya. Me? No thanks.
  13. You're still trading for his college potential at this point because his pro performance has been... disappointing (and that's being kind). Especially true when a seventh round afterthought is doing in his rookie season what Lance hasn't been able to do being a focal point for two years. So no, I wouldn't.
  14. He's picked up the offense quickly, as opposed to the guy they made a huge trade to draft third overall
  15. More than one source has confirmed it was Rhule who wanted Mayfield.
  16. @rayzor Now, if you want a true example of someone "dwelling on it"...
  17. I think Kaye has it right here... Nobody's calling Don Martindale either.
  18. Sounds like you've got a lot of company on that train.
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