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Mr. Scot

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Everything posted by Mr. Scot

  1. There is such a thing as your balls being too big.
  2. Holding them to a field goal was good...
  3. Whatever happens, this is a lot better game than the early one.
  4. Granted, but that's what scrappy teams do. Will they? Don't know, but they've got the right coach for this sort of thing.
  5. Plenty of teams screw up but still pull out a win.
  6. I'd like to see the Lions win, but I'm not gonna scream whatever the outcome is. I checked out of this season several weeks ago.
  7. Man, what a bad sequence for the Lions.
  8. Tepper helped sabotage Reich from the beginning by influening his staff choices, among other things. Likely also influenced some of the major personnel choices as well, as has been discussed at length. So yes, he affected their ability to win. If, at some point, you experience a dysfunctional work environment like what the Panthers had, maybe you'll get it. Till then, I'm guessing not.
  9. Chiefs defense is likely used to being able to play from ahead. Not so sure they'll have that advantage against the Lions.
  10. Yeah, the boss did nothing wrong, it's all the employees' fault... Riiiight 🫥 Either you haven't been in a real work environment, or you're the kind that thinks backstabbing and such is okay, hence the "boss is always right" stance This isn't Madden. There are real people with real motivations, feelings and agendas involved. Internal turmoil among locker rooms and staffs causes real world issues...and lost seasons. Reality: Tepper created a toxic work environment that undermined Reich trying to do his job. Fitterer actually became complicit in that, which is part of why he's gone. Now also part of why Chris Tabor, James Campen and others are gone. If you can't comprehend how that works, I doubt I can help you.
  11. I would have been upset had we put a non-personnel guy in charge of the roster. We flirted with that idea, but ultimately didn't do it. That doesn't guarantee Morgan was the right choice, of course, but at least he has the right background for the job. (so did Fitterer)
  12. I don't look at it through fan goggles. All of that and more is valid. Tepper created a toxic environment that I can't blame anyone for wanting to avoid.
  13. He declined all head coaching interviews, not just us
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