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About Coheed

  • Birthday 04/15/1994

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  1. Been here since 2008. Definitely a shell of what it used to be. never thought I’d be nostalgic for a forum but maaaan do I miss the days of all pro, daily training camp reports and photos from zod, Jordan gross interviews, and seeing a lot of the same names here. It really was the best NFL fan forum around.
  2. Teams won’t care about what former and current team mates have to say about him? That’s news to me. yeah Cam had baggage but dude was always ride or die for the team and also had generational talent, which Sanders hasn’t shown caleb hasn’t even taken a snap yet so in your words that’s “irrelevant”. I’d be more willing to give sanders a pass/benefit of the doubt if he showed that he was by far *that* dude - but he hasn’t, and the fact that he acts like he has is a huge red flag for me.
  3. Lmao just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t mean theres a personal vendetta bro
  4. Want that dude nowhere near the team, dude is a bigger show boat than Cam but half the ability. And especially after not seeing what he had to say about a former team mate that criticized him(Sanders) for never making an effort to know him. Sanders went as far as far to tweet that he had no idea who the dude was and he had to have been “mid at best”. Bro your team finished 4-8, chill. good content for the timeline, but not what you want in a franchise QB. I fundamentally question his ability to face adversity most importantly, gel with the rest of an NFL locker room without his dad running the show. He seems like the type of dude to constantly give other teams ammunition, but never good enough to warrant it. would gladly take Travis hunter tho
  5. I’m not one of those people that think Brooks is too small, but in fairness to our boy Stew, the man hasn’t taken a snap in over 6 years. Brooks is taller but Stewart was/is built like a tank
  6. not even remotely comparable situations but go off bro
  7. He didn’t say he thinks that will happen, just that it’s something that could and that no one really knows till we see him under the new regime.
  8. Ok I know it’s the offseason but why on earth are we posting P Diddy threads in the panthers forum? This literally has nothing to do with the team
  9. Youre literally the one that brought up politics when no one else was, dude.
  10. I like Keon but cmon man, if that were even remotely close to the case he’d be the #1 WR on the board without question.
  11. Why are we making threads about a tweet that’s over a year old
  12. Beason was a dog. My first jersey. Had it not been for his Achilles I think he’d have cemented a legacy here
  13. Not happy with this trade/our new status as the new factory of sadness but giants paying burns 30 mil per year doesnt mean he’s actually worth 30 mil per year, it means the giants are willing to pay him 30 mil per year. Absolutely blows to lose him but he def ain’t worth what he wanted.
  14. A second and a fifth? Jesus. Poverty fugin franchise. I’ve never felt disdain like I do for Fitt.
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