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Mother Grabber

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Everything posted by Mother Grabber

  1. i like the idea that the Texans blow everything up by not taking Stroud, causing a a rush on spots 3 and 4. will make things exciting.
  2. are you ever not raging? Bryce Young is going to be the next Panthers QB. I never said i prefer him over other prospects, but i recognize that he is the pick and now support him as the QB of my team. how long are you going to continue to hate him?
  3. please give us your detailed rundown on where Bryce Young diverges from Brees and Steve Young. Also Young is going to be the next panthers QB. This is no longer a matter of who we prefer and trying to cram stats down each others throats, but now if you support the team and players or not. “Brycers” are just people who are supporting our team.
  4. so you’d be legit upset if we had the next steve young/drew brees for 10-15 years? wtf?
  5. he threw a football. what’s so cringey about that?
  6. so they made an announcement to say that they are going to make another announcement
  7. still no actual football arguments…
  8. this doesn’t even make any sense. again, you’re just spewing hate and aren’t making any football based arguments.
  9. why? i thought the goal was to score more points, not have the biggest average player size. i’d much rather have a little guy who can hit receivers than a big guy who can’t. all of your arguments are based on being a big tough guy, and not about actually playing football.
  10. i guess we’ll be suffering all the wrath
  11. haters are going to keep hating after this week. every game day thread will be filled with hateful comments about everything Bryce does.
  12. are you the lady from tennessee who pulled her vag when cam dabbed in the end zone?
  13. rippa wants us to wildcat to Jim Brown every play.
  14. ummm…your OP was trolling from the start. stop playing the victim.
  15. so avoiding pressure, then extending and making a play is somehow a bad thing? you’d prefer that he stayed in the pocket and got sacked? this is some next level stretch armstrong wtf
  16. i expect 7 footers in basketball has a similar curve. both just suddenly exploded.
  17. not sure why 5’10” 200lbs is considered “tiny” there are plenty of sub 6’ or sub 200lb players in the NFL
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