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Everything posted by joemac

  1. I posted his career stats earlier. “Shitty” is not at all what jumps off the page at you. He’s got better stats than Stafford over the past 5 or 6 years and absolutely nobody would have a problem with Stafford, even though he never won a damn thing until this year.
  2. Any trade would obviously come with the Vikings paying a large portion of his salary. Come on man, I thought you were a GM in the making. These are basic things.
  3. So, again. Like I said to your buddy earlier. Why not print out a little folder full of all your Huddle posts and get a meeting with Tepper? I’m sure he’d fire Fitterer in a heartbeat and hire you.
  4. Yeah. I’m the delusional one in this thread…not the fantasy arm chair GMs who’ve convinced themselves they can run an NFL franchise on the strength of some obscure message board posts.
  5. Bro there are always openings in NFL front offices. With your resume of Huddle posts I’m sure you could win over some NFL owner to give you the keys to the kingdom.
  6. IDK bro. I’m not the GM or coach so it doesn’t really matter what I think. I do know that I’d rather have him than Pickett or Willis or any of the other jabroni QBs in this years draft. Personally with where we sit now I think we should take the top LT on the board at 6, and I guess roll it back with Sam. Then next year this time when we inevitably have a Top 3 pick in a much better QB draft, do we take our franchise guy. But this is about Cousins and my point here is that he’s not nearly as bad as most are making him out to be.
  7. Lol but all the great football minds here on the Huddle know more than Tepper and Rhule and Fitterer right?
  8. Lol Bridgewater? Teddys career high in TD passes is 18. Which was last year. Cousins threw 33 last year. Sam had 9. Come on now.
  9. Which, last year, was the 3rd rated passer in the NFL. What’s your point? That he’s never gonna be Mahomes or Rodgers?
  10. What do you guys want out of a “franchise” QB? https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tLP1TcwL7bIzjE2YPTiyc4sylZIzi8tzswrBgBmPQhY&q=kirk+cousins&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS797US797&oq=kirk+cou&aqs=chrome.1.0i355i433i512j46i433i512j69i57j69i60l3.2611j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#wptab=s:H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLSz9U3MC-2yM4xfsRoyi3w8sc9YSmdSWtOXmNU4-IKzsgvd80rySypFJLgYoOy-KR4uJC08exi0khJTUsszSmJL0lMsspOttIvLsgvKinWLyjKj08sychJLUm1Ki5JLClexCqZnVmUrZCcX1qcmVeskJxYlJpapACWAwDHksVqjQAAAA Because looking at his stats, if his name wasn’t Kirk Cousins people would kill for this kinda production out of their starting QB. He’s not some middling, barely getting it done guy. He puts up huge numbers every year. You’re telling me you wouldn’t kill to have a 66%, 4000+ yard, 33TD, 7 INT guy here every year? When have we EVER had that kind of consistent production from our QB?!
  11. Cousins is 10x the QB Jimmy ever thought about being.
  12. His stats are “great”. He was like the 3rd highest rated passer this year and is always right up there with the league leaders in every important stat.
  13. Oh yeah because Cousins is so terrible right? The fug do you people here have against the guy? He’d immediately be the 2nd best QB we’ve ever had, and he puts up pure passing stats that poo on any season Cam ever had except maybe his MVP year.
  14. Absolutely I would. His production is utterly replaceable. Hes pretty much the exact same guy he was on Day 1 of his rookie year. Hes a nice little player, but hardly a franchise #1 WR. He would do really well as a #2 on a good offense.
  15. Nobody knew he was going to be an All Pro LT before the season started, and they had already invested a lot of capital in Free Agency on the line, so I imagine, in their minds, that the line should have been decent last year, even though it was terrible. Hindsight is 20/20.
  16. Sure he was. You must have forgotten how abhorrent our pass D was the year before Jaycee was drafted. We absolutely needed a legit CB, and we got one in Horn. Hes going to be a dog for us.
  17. It would be the most Panthers thing ever to draft a mediocre QB at 6 over one of the many top flight LTs that will be available to us. This is NOT the year to be drafting a QB high in the first round. So, of course, thats exactly what we will do.
  18. Las Vegas and rich athletes do not mix.
  19. Yeah we have 100 mil in cap space, but how many players do we have under contract for that season?
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