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Rocky Davis

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Everything posted by Rocky Davis

  1. Our receivers aren't even running their routes hard and trying to sell, CMC can't stay healthy (due to the O-line's incompetence), we don't have the answer at QB and won't until we get some NFL level O-lineman. Don't know what has happened to our vaunted secondary and defense....we get down by two scores and it's like they shut it down..... This team is lost, Rhule isn't the answer...Joe Brady is over his head and has no shot to improve because of the crap we have for an O-line, and Phil Snow doesn't seem to be able to adjust the D to stop what opposing teams are doing EVER. Clean up crew needed at 1 Panther Place ASAP.
  2. @Mr. Scot wishing your family all the best, take care of what's really important and best wishes for a speedy recovery for your wife. Take care!
  3. I agree some of the penalties were called correctly, but that "slash" was game changing and the amount of times Washington could have been called penalties but weren't is frustrating. Hockey gods should really be on our side for awhile after the last week we've had.
  4. I wish one of our guys would put one of these Crapitals on their azz.
  5. I am not sure Cam can throw outs, his ball doesn't look like it has the necessary velocity. It's like he's looping those passes when he throws it. Not blaming him for all of this because our O-line is hot garbage, but his throws are questionable downfield....and of course our receivers drop the ball 66% of the time.
  6. Look we have already put Cam through enough...let's don't kick him down the road too. He is playing behind this offensive O-line.
  7. Glad the guys scored more than 2 goals today! Hopefully Svech gets back on track after scoring one. Good trip overall...that Seattle game got me really salty.
  8. Provorov was making sure Necas had no chance once he pucked his pocket.....but these refs would never, ever give us a penalty shot.
  9. Hockey gods aren't being too kind to us, not getting good bounces, the open chances are going to players like Martinook and Staal (who has lost that scoring touch he found last year). Some good opportunities and plays tonight by our play makers but they couldn't get one through. Kraken were able to put too many men on the ice, punk our guys, and got phantom calls....nice playing at home with refs willing to help you out. Fug Seattle and those refs.
  10. Really anyone but Marty TBH....Lorentz would be better. How can we not get shots on goal in the last 40 seconds? Way too many passes trying to find the perfect shot.
  11. Andersen didn't expect that shot, but the Canes losses have all come on weird goals where the other team is just throwing everything to the net. This type of game doesn't favor us at all and the fuggin refs have done their job....
  12. Refs serving up some good old home cooking for the Kraken. Dunn and Oleksiak need their azzes beat down.
  13. I love Marty on the team and the 4th line....hate seeing him play on the "hybrid" 1st line.
  14. why do Staal and Martinook seem to get all the wide open looks....sheeeesh
  15. Yep, they were definitely penalties....wish the game was called equally The Team would have been pushed back multiple times too. Such is the life of the Carolina Panthers.
  16. Yeah those penalties the Oline had yesterday hurt a lot. Interesting thing is the zebras let WFT hold like they were cradling babies all game long and didn't call it...I guess our Oline is known as garbage around the league and refs are watching our scrubs harder.
  17. I think Cam looked pretty good, I'd like to see a deep ball from him but of course we probably can't protect him long enough to give him a chance. There were a couple of RPOs that I think he should have let CMC take, but I'll chalk that up to rust.
  18. Fug this Oline and the coaches responsible for this offense. I'd rather lose running a wide open attack than this piddly crap.
  19. Why the fug do we beat WFT and Rivera when we need to lose to them and then lose to them when we should win? FUG....
  20. The D line has to tighten up and for heaven's sake put Gilmore on McLaurin and keep a top on him. Make another receiver beat us.
  21. I could have called that D play....put me on the payroll.
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