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Everything posted by Captroop

  1. "That's spray paint shaking mode, you say?"
  2. Don't worry, I gotcha. I noticed as well. Just thought I'd make everyone uncomfortable for a second.
  3. Y'all like topless women crying? Reminds me of the brothers at the fraternity I pledged (and promptly de-pledged)
  4. So I'm watching Cosmos videos to work on my Carl Sagan voice for my Halloween costume. I happened across the Pale Blue Dot monologue, and I'm not gonna lie, it just made me well up a little bit:
  5. What's really trippy is that my "bad" left eye can see the image without moving my head at all. I had cataract surgery when I was very young, and lots of random things look different between my two eyes. Especially black lights. They look crazy bright violet with my left eye. Like a neon light.
  6. I never claimed to be a tough guy. And I'd never take a pic clandestinely flipping off a football team because I'd never be able to back it up. My point is, if you're gonna act like a tough guy, be prepared to back it up. If you feel strongly enough about something to flip someone off about it, do it to their face. And if you wouldn't want to risk a punch in the mouth, don't do it. I'm quite the opposite of tough, which is why I pick my battles, and don't talk shiz when someone's back is turned. Back to pics:
  7. What a puss. If you're gonna act like a bad ass by flipping off the opposing time and sharing it on Instagram, at least have the balls to hold your hand out and make sure they see it. That's basic bitch poo right there.
  8. If you haven't heard this one before, listen now.
  9. If you can honestly see a BJ in that picture, just go to the bathroom and rub one out. Right now. You're long overdue.
  10. "Haha! Penises are funny!" - 9-year-olds everywhere.
  11. With Google being hooked into everything, I can never tell what I'm signed into or out of anymore.
  12. Thanks, PSC. Now her videos appear in my YouTube suggestions. Fug you, butt hole.
  13. Win Loss doesn't matter here. Saw a lot of positives in the second half! That Webb to Tavares King connection is exciting! Williams TD. And Reaves. A lot to build on there. Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using CarolinaHuddle mobile app
  14. Webb is a STUD! Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using CarolinaHuddle mobile app
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