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Everything posted by Captroop

  1. Let's win one. Then we can talk about winning out.
  2. Wilkes is definitely the best coach we've had under Tepper's watch. But it was the right move to move on from Wilkes. He's not a regime builder. Wilkes did not have the roots in the league to pull in talented coordinators, assistants and position coaches. For the entirety of his tenure as HC, he would have been able to attract McAdoo level talent at best. We wouldn't have Evero. We wouldn't have Brown. And considering both of them are quality HC candidates for us, we owe Reich for bringing them into our organization. But if Wilkes was head coach material, he'd be a head coach now.
  3. No one wants to read a fluff piece when the team is winless. I don't know if the account was useless, but I like sending the message to the Panthers organization that they can't spoon feed us re-heated bullshit.
  4. The refs should be rightly ashamed for actually flagging that flop. He literally dropped to his knee, like "Dude, you okay?" Weak.
  5. I think it's why we're doing well. Chuba, Franklin, Tremble, Mays. It's addition by subtraction
  6. Please continue to prove me wrong. I'll eat an entire damn crow raw if this is for real. Beak feet and all
  7. As much as I hate to give up more draft capital... I really wouldn't hate that deal. Make it our 2026 2nd and I like it.
  8. I want to believe we can win this one. Because it's exactly the kind of stupid thing we would do; manage to beat a genuine world-beater team, and get my hopes up a little just to it makes it more painful when we go back to sucking. If we can establish the run, and they can't just send the house after Bryce every play, that might be just the random element that turns this into a trap game. I want to believe it, but really it reminds me of a time back in '04 when I asked my boss if the Panthers had a chance against the Eagles, and he said, "One. The Eagles don't show up."
  9. I know it's not the game, but honestly, the only stuff I can never watch again is the anxiety inducing stuff that provokes real life stress in me while I watch it. Stuff like Marriage Story or Whiplash. Scary, violent, upsetting stuff doesn't bother me to the point that I can't watch it again, unless it's just utterly profane and pointless. Stuff like Like Saw II. I love to be shocked in a movie, and will totally watch again. I'd even watch Hostel again... and I have. But here's one that I know has wrecked several people I watch movies with: Misery
  10. I'd like to see us trade for some talent to surround Bryce with. Positive Spin: If he's our QB, I'd like to bolster his confidence by giving him a reliable target. Pragmatic Spin: I want to know how much his receivers not getting open/not getting separation has to do with how poorly he's performing. Again, I want to get to "bust" as fast as possible so we can move on, and consequently, I want to get out of this season with as few question marks as possible. If he's not him, we need to know so we can move on rather than sinking more into propping him up.
  11. Depends what you mean by "scariest." Tension/Suspense: Jaws Atmosphere: The Witch Jaw-dropping gore: Bone Tomahawk General spoopy fun: Halloween 3/Creepshow
  12. These cats clearly haven't seen another McDaniel presser. "What am I supposed to say in this situation?" has literally never crossed that man's mind.
  13. Yeah, the faces in the background are the stuff of nightmares. It's like the Going Under music video back there.
  14. Skye Moore and Tutu Atwell are likely to start tumbling down their depth charts, and both would be huge improvements to our WR corps.
  15. Yup. Mostert owners seeing CAR on the schedule this week are like:
  16. Bryce damn well better show out against Houston.
  17. Not pointing fingers but someone's angry drunk posting, lol!
  18. What a difference a week makes: Granted, I asked about in the NFL ever, vs. Panthers all time, but this thread has a very different tone.
  19. You know, I meant to make that a sub-paragraph under the post, but totally spaced on it: I believe the reason that we're not seeing the leadership out of Bryce is a result of the coaches trying to cover their asses. I look at Bryce, and I see a teacher's pet who's getting special treatment, and I think the rest of the team sees that and resents Bryce for it. I see them holding Bryce out for a phantom injury, and it was pretty damning footage when you saw Bryce coming into practice, lock step with Josh McCown, and none of the players seemed glad to see him. I see Reich taking the blame publicly for "calling a play for Thielen when Thielen wasn't on the field," and everyone questioning, why the hell would he admit to that? To me, it looks like a coach taking the fall to cover for a rookie clock management mistake. I know I've seen that in the workplace where a manager took the fall for their pet, and it sure looked like that to me. And all that goes back to the post above. The coaches feel like they HAVE to shelter Bryce and HAVE to cover for him, because investing the world in him was their call, and they need to save face rather than let Bryce take the lumps. As a result, I don't think we're seeing the leadership, because right now, the players don't see a leader. They see a teacher's pet. Bryce needs to make mistakes, and take the blame in order to earn the respect of the locker room. The coaches coddling him only makes that process harder.
  20. I don't feel bad for him. He'll cry himself to sleep on a bed of money the rest of his life regardless of which trajectory his NFL career takes. We shat the bed, now we need to sleep in it. And that means rolling back and forth over this pant-leg excretion for the rest of the year. The absolute worst case scenario is him being shell-shocked into mediocrity if there was any hope of him being our future starter.
  21. If anything is likely to "David Carr" Bryce, it's the amount of pressure that's put on him in terms of our expectations to succeed based on his performance alone. Being the #1 overall pick already comes with with an enormous amount of pressure. Now imagine the weight Bryce must be feeling every day knowing: The Panthers made me their #1 overall selection The Panthers traded up to make me their #1 overall selection The Panthers traded next year's 1st round selection to make me their #1 overall selection The Panthers traded their best offensive weapon to make me their #1 overall selection Multiple people put their careers and livelihoods on the line, vouching for me that I was worth trading all that for An entire coaching and ownership regime is betting their future on me being the centerpiece of their offense and the star of the franchise The Panthers gave up so much they can only surround me with mediocre talent, and they count on ME to be the reason the team is successful The coaches are starting me over a more qualified veteran because everyone needs ME to prove THEY were right If I don't pan out, the investment the Panthers made in me will be what sets this franchise back a decade And now imagine all of that going through your head and not only not being immediately successful, but being the center of attention of a team that looks like it may be historically bad. Frankly, the amount of expectation that our FO, coaching and fanbase has piled on Bryce is unreal, unprecedented, and unfair. Because at the end of the day, all that we gave up for him, was our team's bad decision. So if anything has the likelihood to "ruin" Bryce Young, it's the stress of knowing that because of the amount we gave up for him, which is not something he ever asked for us to do, and in spite of the weak team we surrounded him with, he doesn't get the benefit of a rookie learning curve. Every mistake is exponentially worse, because the amount we gave up for him can only be justifiable if he is great NFL QB. I still don't know if Bryce has the physical tools to be a great QB in this league. But if Bryce mentally survives this season, I'll actually have a lot more hope for him in the future.
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