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Silent Majority

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Everything posted by Silent Majority

  1. olsen got held off of the ls, threw Cam off. of course a no call
  2. i get the game plan, now. Close to the vest and just get a W, by any means necessary!
  3. cool. you are entitled to your opinion. with everything that is on the line..its dead af all the way around in there, imo.
  4. this team is dead. has been for weeks. i do not get it.
  5. this team is mentally off. poo makes no sense. the stadium is dead. ron challenging dumb poo. unreal. for weeks we have been looking suspect as hell.
  6. no pressure. no coverage. we may have hit a wall. been this way for weeks.
  7. you idiots do realize playing your rivals 2 out of the last 3 weeks, with the last being @ their house, is a damn tough task. never mind 38-0 and 14 and O, thrown in, respectively. Just hope the team is seething mad.
  8. lol some of these posters have no shame. Whatever its 1 loss and quite frankly the way we played, we deserved to lose. I just dont care to hear the gloating and told yous so's from fans of teams, who either couldn't beat us or are not even relevant or even those hating ass so called fans who were quiet as church mice for 14 games.
  9. if today serves any point, itll be to expose the world class douches in this fanbase. the radio and this board will be overrun by some high functioning mentally disabled people.
  10. we have a chance. full disclosure, i dont think we pull this one off. we have not done a damn thing against this defense all day. fug, i hope i am wrong though.
  11. ive seen worse from the other team all day. like i said something is not right.
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