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Status Updates posted by PanthaSan

  1. :lol: I guess 20 hours isn't too bad, if you have the time. When I was in the Electrical Crews, we had a few wild ones. We also had a direct flight from here to Vegas 3 times a week. Somebody would be pissed at their wife on payday and let the fun begin. Couldn't tell you how many company cell phones were left in random strip clubs, hotels and taxi cabs.
  2. Beause I am efficient like that. I go for quality as opposed to quantity :D. It is all part of my master plan but I can't tell you what that is. I'm not like one of those movie villans..

  3. Ok, thanks anyway. I have another one if you would like to try. it's called "Panthers War Room Debate (Cam Newton)" the link is

    and I wouold like is from 2:01 to 2:16.
  4. Dude! Nice Avvy!!

  5. Geez, I wish. Nah, I was raptured and just got back this morning. :D

  6. Yes, sorta. We plan on going out there but want to drop off the youngest at Grandma's in MO. Still trying to work out the flights and MamaSan's aide is off on maternity leave so she has to wait until school starts to find a replacement.

  7. They threw me out. I put it all int the rapture thread in the 'Box...

  8. Elin Grindemyr - Thank you

  9. I would but you are usually face down drunk at the bar. Speaking of which, next time we go-a-drinking, you better pay at least your half for the hookers and blow...

  10. Hey boo, do you know where i can get a copy of the resume that has all the "check" for skills? The company we bill through likes to use my skillset to help them get new customers and they wanted an updated one. I willseriously touch it up and send it to them. The office manager there is a friend of mine and would seriously crack up. thanks!

  11. Really? What in the world would draw you to make that association? :D

  12. LMFAO about the bus! Great pics, you are definitely owning that thread.

  13. my avvie is a actress named nichole graves. she has pics and movies on the interwebz

  14. Me too, just so you don't feel left out...

  15. Hey Man, Where ya been? I've been waiting for Cobras updates.

  16. How are the growing pains? Hope the goofballs didn't give you the wrong impression (myself included). You do seem to have more football knowledge than most of th posters PS Nce pic. I would have never realized you were so hot!:D

  17. Re: your Futbol, footballs, fooseball thread. Just playing with ya, rolls. I saw nobody was really replying so i didn't want you to hear crickets...

  18. Yeah, we've all been sick around the house so not a whole lot of internet time available. The Mrs has been out for the last 2 weeks and I was sick all last week.

  19. :lol: You know, I had a friend who tried out for and almost won the role of the first black ranger. He was about 25 but looked 16 and had 2 black belts. They said his gymnast skills weren't good enough. FWIW, Starship Troopers >>>>All other alien killer wannabes...:D
  20. :lol: Thanks for the pics. I've been away a bit. Health issues and such. That pic with the chick pulling up her top is awesome. She has that nasty girl, should be in pr0n look that I love so much. How are things in the ILM?
  21. Welcome back, buddy. How was the vaca?

  22. Why? Well forget I asked that I guess I've been here long enough to know. What happened?

  23. ok, I see. Well it was just a couple of dudes and I wouldn't let that discourage you. Sometimes folks like to play "Internet Toughguy" and it wouldn't have mattered if it was you, me or somebody else. Also, we used to get some real yunguns that would type in l33t or do the "ne1" thing and did not know crap about football. Some house cleaning went on (The Grammar Hammer) and they are no longer here or just learned to type. I guess a few folks never got over the invasion...I wouldn't sweat it.

  24. Wow, Biscuit. 2 really awesome threads in just a few days. I like the effort you put into the Idealogoy and you gotta be pleased with most of the responses. Way to go buddy!

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