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Everything posted by CRA

  1. I think CMC is great and I love Chuba. But if the season is already over? I would want to limit how much damage they take going forward. If Rhule can he will smash them I into D’s playing the run 40 times a week….as we lose? Not a fan of that. Why not keep Royce and grind him some. Spread it out. we haven’t even gotten to the hard part yet lol.
  2. First play of the game we just come straight out the gate and run Rhule’s fake punt he can’t stop dreaming about using again and again
  3. I mean, they could call Cam….I don’t see Cam answering the call. I think he will take us suffering as a win for him and keep it moving. Plus he couldn’t trust Rhule and company not to do him shitty once again.
  4. Hope CMC can stay healthy. Kinda a weird move based on the current trajectory of things. Way the season is going, we are going to have to pound our RBs into mush and still lose while doing it. Seems like splitting all that up would be wise with a pretty big commitee. And you got to think given the amount we will run into run looks....our guys are going to get dinged up with that approach.
  5. well, just because this narrative irks me. If anyone think Cam Newton ever played a down where he let the concern of getting hurt impact his play? Well, you didn't really honestly watch Cam Newton's career. Pretty safe bet you can just take Cam's word on that play and what was going through his mind. His career is pretty clear on the subject. It wasn't fear of a pile of players or injury.
  6. Realistically, got to see who the Cardinals put on the field to predict final scores at this point. I mean, no Murray, Nuk, Edmonds, etc? Defense having a great game paired with a wildcat might could keep the score down. But I do expect Sam to be trotted back out so I guess they will have to let him pass at some point after AZ builds a lead. And then, well, we all know what happens at that point.
  7. Matt Rhule has lost every game in November except for 1. That's right, time for PJ Mr. November Walker.
  8. I think letting your DC essetnially pick your QB.....is a bad management approach then. If Joe picked Teddy? Well, Joe at least got more out of Teddy than anyone else to date. Why in the world would you let the DC dictate your QB decision.
  9. 1. Lot of former first round QBs (Trubisky, Haskins, etc ) were dumped this offseason....and signed for peanuts. And teams weren't fighting over them. Some who were better than Sam. Because bad QBs don't actually have a lot of value. And young QBs who played better than Darnold were able to be picked up for a single 6th round pick (Menshew). We got fleeced. Because this FO went into panic mode when they failed to get Stafford and weren't guranteed a QB in the draft. 3. Robby Anderson had 1 good season in his entire career. One season doesn't justify that deal. And we locked in the deal AFTER we drafted two WRs. The smart play was to see if it was a one hit wonder season and to get a look at Marshall. And it sure looks like Marshall deserves a lot of Robby's reps at this point. And Robby's money/cap could of gone toward OL next year.
  10. Well, Kyler Murray and Nuke Hopkins were out last week. We would need them to stay out again this week. Then we need James Connor to catch a stomach bug. Nothing too serious bad enough to miss the game. Other RB is already out. Then we need Connor to spread the stomach bug to the entire defensive front. All 7 starters up front ruled out. DB situation doesn't matter as the goal to victory is defense and a franchise record 78 rush attempts. Probably need their kicker to have a bad day too. 3 points is a lot these days.
  11. I mean, that is probably true of Fields in his current spot as well. I mean, the Bears offensive coaching probably is worse than Carolinas. And they have less talent on O overall. I mean, QBs in pockets are kinda like punt returners IMO. In large part, QBs are either comformtable in the chaos or they aren't at this point. I mean, take Cam for all his flaws. You could put Cam behind garbage and for the most part...he would stand tall and confident like he had a legit OL. That's what NFL QBs do. And if they can't? You aren't going to really teach them IMO at this point. Lot of good offense in the league occurs behind bad OL play.
  12. I think Cam had a fine mentor. Derek Anderson the ends and outs of being a NFL QB. The highs and lows. How to play the game. I mean, you need someone in the building that knows what the fug is going on. I mean, you still have to hit on the talent. Otherwise, mentors, coaching, etc. None of that matters.
  13. it got poo'd on this offseason. But I still feel Robby was the lone man in FL while the team was here practicing because of a contract battle. Robby wanted to get paid before Sam came in and tanked his value. Which it totally would have done. No way to know for a fact, but if Robby hadn't gotten paid he would have been screwed trying to get a deal after being reunited with Sam.
  14. well, to me, QB remains the end all be all. So I would want the decent vet to share the QB room with the rookie. Renting a Joe Flacco type to work with someone isn't going to break the bank and prevent you from addressing the OL. Mismangment of the rest of your roster would.
  15. most coaches haven't played QB in the NFL. I still like the pairing a rookie QB with a legit vet that is there and knows what he really is paid to be. if you ever listen to great players talk....they often talk about what they learned from other players just as much if not more than coaches in the NFL. Take somelike like 89. When he talks about who helped make him? Well, he normally goes to the player version of Ricky Prohel. Vinny T. I just think that works. Matt Rhule. Joe Brady. They can't actually offer that much to a rookie QB outside of textbook stuff.. That didn't play the game. And generally the QB coach are preaching about stuff they don't really know in reality. Lot of QB coaches didn't play at a high level.
  16. and really, that is all football is at this level, selling hope of something to people for entertainment. and we have none to sell at the moment.
  17. I mean, if we drafted a rookie....Sam Darnold remains useless. You don't want Sam Darnold in a QB room with a rookie QB. You want a vet that actually knows how to play the NFL game helping usher the new kid into the league. Sam simply serves no point. He isn't Teddy. Keeping Teddy would have made sense.
  18. sometimes you have to embrace the poo emoji. bunch of people got caught up in the Sam Darnold might be good Kool-Aid.
  19. yeah, talk about trying to in spite of a coach. That's the Bears.
  20. I mean, not all a stares are created equal. Maybe he has one like my wife sometimes gives me. I mean, that shouldn't be allowed.
  21. I’m sure he was watching last night. Bet the old Steeler guy still tunes in so he can talk it up with his old crew.
  22. I think the easier arguement is Gase wasn't equipped to fix him. I mean, Sam Darnold was what he was before NY.
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