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Everything posted by Tbe

  1. Why don’t these videos ever work on mobile?
  2. Not negative as in she’s not attractive. Negative as in degrading, sexist, explicit. Her explanation is in twitter somewhere.
  3. Shes the producer and director of those commercials from what I hear. She covers herself on purpose because of all the negative comments she was getting about her body.
  4. Curtis never struck me as a guy that would slack off as soon as he got a contract. Dante is 100% that guy.
  5. Donte is the textbook definition of a player that will disappear once he gets a contract. I can’t think of anyone else is recent memory that has this many red flags.
  6. Check this out. Denver fans are furious with Teddy. Should have left him at the hotel.
  7. I saw this in person. Can confirm it was weird AF.
  8. He’s already the Captain and interim head coach.
  9. Cam’s mechanics looked decent in that throw. It wasn’t the full body heave he was doing at the end of his last season here.
  10. I think 10-7 is doable. 9-8 is more likely though.
  11. Most of this anti Tepper stuff has been baseless and the result of the teams win-loss record and how people feel about billionaires. People just like making up stories to justify how they feel.
  12. This is interesting considering Tepper told Steve Smith to his face on air that he doesn’t retire numbers. Tepper making an exception for Cam and #1 is a big deal. Honestly though. #1 should be retired with Cam.
  13. Again, Darnold was plan C and they had to talk themselves into it. I think the decision to go with him over Fields came from fear they wouldn’t be able to get a QB in the draft and this need to win now. Dumb decision as they should have hedged their bets with both QBs. When in QB purgatory, you take as many swings as possible.
  14. That was my impression as well. He’s trying to lead the team through this distraction.
  15. Cam has so much more NFL experience than Rhule and Brady, it Will be interesting to see how he changes things.
  16. Desperate times makes people do crazy things. So does almost no NFL experience.
  17. Who knows. Do you really think we would have given him an extension? I don’t. It’s highly possible that he would have left last year and we’d have still picked up Sam.
  18. A late pick for someone who needs a backup maybe. Honestly though, there are much better backup options out there.
  19. They have been quick to admit mistakes.
  20. It’s not good for Rhule of he’s lost Teppers trust.
  21. Rappaport tweeted that Cam and Rhule met 1:1 to ‘clear the air’. He didn’t do that with Tepper so could be some truth to this all being Rhules idea.
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