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The Natural

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About The Natural

  • Birthday 03/20/1989

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  1. The thing that has always impressed me most about him is his inability to ever gain any yardage after contact.
  2. Will Witherspoon and Karl Hankton are two that immediately come to mind.
  3. There's nothing wrong with getting away from your job on your time off. I know I don't answer work calls or pull out the laptop when I'm on vacation. Looking at him it's obvious he did some strength and conditioning work.
  4. I'm not concerned. Our scouts might be poo at everything else but for whatever reason they know the secret to finding good kickers.
  5. The Legette trade was a very smart move fiscally. We didn't give up much and got a 5th year option. You are correct that under our previous regime our drafting was putrid. But I'm not going to judge this current staff before the team has even taken the field. I really do understand being hesitant to trust given our recent history but I'm choosing remain cautiously optimistic until I see reason not to be.
  6. The problem with your premise is you don't know what their board looks like right now. Believe it or not NFL teams don't go by a Mel Kiper big board.
  7. It cracks me up how some of you feel if you don't recognize the name they automatically suck.
  8. You don't know that. At this point in the draft if there's someone you like you take them.
  9. If he's anything close to Munnerlyn than he'll be a great pick.
  10. I'd be good with this. Sign Gilmore as a one year rental at CB and we're pretty set.
  11. People have been crying since the 2nd round. All I'm saying is there is clearly some medical issues that we aren't privy to. When we drafted a LB other than him people began melting down.
  12. Wilson slide continues... What do you huddlers know that NFL GM's don't?
  13. It's attention seeking. Some people resort to this when they don't get enough love in the real world.
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