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La Pantera

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  1. BB coaching teens would be absofugginlutely HILARIOUS!
  2. Yes he missed one kick prior to this game. Now he has three on the season. Four missed last season. Two the season before. Nine missed in three seasons here. 14 career misses.
  3. The Bucs Def is pretty good against the run. And weak af against the pass. we took advantage of that weakness, like we should have.
  4. Yeah. He needs surgery and needs the fluid drained from his knee weekly?? regardless a middling kicker.
  5. He’s never been a clutch type kicker. Nor does he have enough leg for 50+ yarders. I for one was hoping the thicker kicker beat him out in camp.
  6. I’m convinced it was his evil twin, Bruce!!
  7. This. they have the best run D in the league.
  8. Bryce has shown improvement. He seems to be trending in the right direction. Hopefully he keeps improving!
  9. Now trade Sanders to them for a carnitas plate.
  10. Didn’t Dak just get an extension ?? I don’t know the details but I’m sure it would be hard to ditch that contract…
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