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Everything posted by LegioX

  1. I’m great. We still have a good draft position. If we won this game and screwed it up (because we are getting knowhere this season) I would have been pissed.
  2. It’s the Atlanta falcons people. They tried everything to lose this game and they still won.
  3. Nice! With the way this team sucks. We don’t need any wins.
  4. Falcons just wanted to lose this game, nothing we could do.
  5. People pulling for us to win division, when Eagles or Cowboys would destroy us in 1st period alone.
  6. Yeah………….let’s keep screwing our draft position.
  7. You can tell DJ Moore is tired of this bull crap team from his reaction to the false start
  8. Just lose out. There is no way (even if we somehow win NFC South) we are beating Dallas or Eagles. We would just get completely embarrassed on the national stage.
  9. Win the division and then get our asses handed to us in playoffs. What do we get? Nothing…
  10. So how much did we F up our draft standing today?
  11. We don’t have a post season competing team. We are not getting anywhere this season. Just garbage wins here and there that will hurt our #1 pick where we could possibly get a franchise QB. Ok…..
  12. How the hell we winning this with Brady on the other team.
  13. Wow was hoping to get the #1 pick. Damn useless games
  14. That’s why we need people who know what to look for and what to scout for. Instead of people like Rhule who were way in over their head.
  15. I hate to see CMC go, but it was a great pickup. We need to horde all the draft picks we can muster for the new HC.
  16. Always have the hurricanes to watch waiting for next season.
  17. We got compensation for a guy that wasn’t doing anything on this team and injury prone. Come on people. He was wasting space staying on this crap team.
  18. thank god the Carolinas have a pro team that is actually good!!!
  19. Atleast we have the Hurricanes. Man, it’s nice to have a competent team in our state to watch.
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