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  1. At this range currently he’s probably a day 3 pick, but I think he will rise to day 2.
  2. Gonna be posting some NFL draft prospects I think would be a great fit for us. In my eyes DT is one of our biggest needs, outside of Derrick Brown we have nobody. I think pairing an explosive interior pass rusher at 3-tech next to brown could be a great combo. Feel free to check out the video I made above if you’re interested!
  3. I really hope we invest heavily into the defense this offseason, this is pathetic.
  4. If you can’t threaten to throw anything downfield, this is what you get.
  5. Totally Bryce’s fault that he traded for the #1 pick and drafted himself!
  6. Rivera benched Cam for not wearing a tie, Bryce wouldn’t have lasted 2 quarters.
  7. Meant breakout more in terms of his relation to our offense, but I hear ya.
  8. Respect to Ocho, most people never admit when they are wrong. Good football analyst.
  9. National Media clowned us for our investment in the interior oline. Fug them, we’re a top ten oline in the league due to our investment.
  10. haha I feel that brother
  11. It has been 280 days since the Panthers have won a game… UNTIL TODAY LFG KEEP POUNDING!! The Red Rifle Strikes Again… Dave Canales is our long term head coach… EVERYONE GETS VICTORY PIE
  12. Our weapons and Oline looks very strong, defense ain’t it but Canales looks like the right hire
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