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  1. As you will see, there are plenty of links to click on to keep up to date on the most recent panthers news. I ensure these are not spam and will not result in you falling into a black hole. Enjoy the content
  2. I personally come here because every single person here is somehow a millionaire with a private jet and insider info. This is the only place on the internet where what is said is true. And I appreciate the honesty.
  3. Are you a businessman? or a business, man?
  4. It’s refreshing to see that no matter how bad things look now, it could be worse. a lot like the stock market in the middle of the Great Depression. All we see is constant failure but over the long term, there can only be growth.
  5. Probably drove to insanity by the overwhelming negativity on this site. He packed up his bags and headed for a more stable environment, Cleveland
  6. Charlotte is not a Super Bowl destination. Stop aiming for unattainable goals. and why you’re at it stop moaning about our owner wanting tax dollars to upgrade an old stadium. It’s not the first or the 100th time this has happened. It’s how it works. If you want to complain then complain about the amount being too much or too little. Or complain and the roof. Complain about something that actually makes sense.
  7. Anyone who thinks we can host a Super Bowl are sadly mistaken. I have no idea if this is a good deal for the city but I can ensure you there is nothing short of $3-4B that could get us a Super Bowl. And that is not on the table and nor should it be
  8. Shaq Thompson never had a chance to live up to expectations considering who he was following. I still think he has underperformed based on his draft position though. Overall solid player but first round LBs need to make pro bowls.
  9. To summarize: the whole team sucked. Everyone needs to do better.
  10. Easy to do when all your draft picks are just happy to get selected… i kid I kid
  11. At this point if Ben sinnot is not a panther every mock draft created is wrong. do we have a mole in the building or is this the only TE in the entire draft the panthers can draft ?
  12. https://x.com/josephperson/status/1782823972142231823?s=46&t=_DjhjjFqclQ6vBvhN496Xg be careful. He obviously doesn’t do much homework. He may have thought the head coach said X but he was actually just saying he’s ready to exit
  13. Becoming a vocal leader will be step 1 of a long list of things that need to happen for this to work out. even cam needed smitty to leave before becoming the teams leader. sometimes it takes time.
  14. Admittedly I know nothing about kneeland but if Nate Wiggins is still on the board with our second pick that would be hard to pass up disclaimer: I have absolutely no connection to Clemson and am not saying this as a homer pick
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