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Everything posted by WarPanthers89

  1. Literally any of the top 3 QBs....have you been living under a rock.
  2. I know people keep wanting to complain about the loss to Washington but damn...what would you propose we do in that game. I don’t think anything we did would out suck Haskins and the terrible special teams play that they had. You can’t be more conservative than riverboat even when his team is playing like garbage.
  3. Mahomes. Also how many Shaq Thompson’s, Kelvin Benjamin’s, Vernon Butlers etc do you think it takes to turn around a franchise? CMC is my favorite guy on the team and is an absolute beast, but he’s not making us a team who competes for a super bowl...only a franchise QB does that. Remember the impact Newton had on this team even as a rookie? We weren’t a playoff team but we had hope and knew as he developed we could compete as we built around him. Without a QB you go nowhere. If we feel we have a franchise QB available you go get them. The Chiefs don’t regret it, our big brother Bills don’t regret it, And many other teams surely regret not trading the farm to #5 or higher last year for Herbert.
  4. I was about to say the same thing. People make me laugh who flip out over taking a chance on getting a franchise QB who will be on a rookie wage scale. Is it risky? Absolutely. Is it worth it if you find a franchise QB? No question...you allow yourself to then compete for championships and build around them. Cam Newton changed our franchise overnight even his first few seasons when we weren’t a playoff team. We all knew we had a future and could complete as he developed and could go as far as he would take us. Unfortunately terrible coaching ended up holding us back. I believe we have the right coaches in place to build a program, and we need a franchise QB to build with or it’s all for nothing. Look at what Allen has done for Buffalo as another example, they aren’t making the playoffs if they are staring Teddy at QB.
  5. You can do both. Look at Winston with the Saints last year, and a Teddy the year before. You go with starters who got benched/cut who is not good enough to lead a team full time, but can fill in and win you games short term. Almost all teams are screwed if the starter is out long periods of time, but someone like Fitz, Gabbert, Teddy, Dalton, Brissett, etc are people who can save your season if you need them for 4 games.
  6. We will be picking high without a franchise QB. That I can promise you. As good as CMC is or anyone else in the first round... they aren’t going to turn a franchise around like a QB will.
  7. It’s not too much when you are taking a chance on getting your franchise QB. We aren’t going to be picking this high again hopefully, and franchise QB’s don’t grow on trees. We will never win consistently (need I remind you we have never had back to back winning seasons) unless we have one.
  8. Agree. That why I was saying I’d rather cut before and also eat the dead cap this year rather than spreading across two years
  9. I agree but Honestly, I would rather just put him as a pre June 1st and be done with all the terrible dead cap after this upcoming season rather than stretching it out. Dead cap is 11 million no matter what.
  10. just a reminder dead cap is just over 11 million. We either eat it this year and have 9.8 million savings, or spread over 2 years and have 14.5 million in savings this year.
  11. Interesting to hear that they won’t go after Rasul Douglas. He may want crazy money
  12. This would be a no brainer. The real question though (and more realistic one) is what if it is between Lance and Slater?
  13. Don’t bring this up again. Ever. Thank you in advance.
  14. Can’t start but can be a backup, then get cut the following offseason with very little dead cap.
  15. They benched him because they didn’t want to win last season. He didn’t start many games at all because of this. I wouldn’t mind at all, it’s a low risk high reward situation with Minshew, but no way I would trade anything significant at all (4th round pick maybe).
  16. Terrible. Fug people who drink and drive. No excuses for it. Get an Uber and stop killing innocent people.
  17. Sad that both were sparks to our offense that will hit FA and never be seen again on our team. At least we are better prepared with players to fill that role this time. Crazy how similar both plays are.
  18. Glad we could overpay Captain tremendously in his second stint with us which allowed him to pay for that house.
  19. “His ‘man cave’ or separate living quarters is where you can find him entertaining his homies and former teammates,” the listing agent added.
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