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Everything posted by WarPanthers89

  1. This boards history is just like the Panthers history….a couple exciting moments which ultimately lead to disappointment, but mostly just a long term poo show that I stay obsessed with for some god forsaken reason.
  2. Stephon Gilmore and the Panthers appeared close to reuniting after the draft, but almost three months have passed since then, and the cornerback remains a free agent. “There are still some good corners and safeties out there like Justin Simmons and myself that are still not signed,” Gilmore told Josina Anderson. “Honestly, I’m still being patient and staying ready until teams see what they have in training camp. But you mean to tell me among 32 teams that there are 64 starting corners that are better than me? I don’t think that. If teams want to win, I think they should sign the best players. I know I’m still a starter in this league. I started games last year, but the season doesn’t start until September, so we’ve got a while.” Teams are being patient, too, and could be waiting until after Week 1 when vested veterans’ contracts no longer are fully guaranteed, though an injury to a starting corner could speed up the timeline for a team. Gilmore, 33, is one of the few remaining free agents from PFT’s top 100. The five-time Pro Bowler, two-time All-Pro and one time defensive player of the year has played for the Bills, Patriots, Panthers, Colts and Cowboys. He has 31 interceptions and 140 passes defensed in his career. Gilmore started all 17 games for the Cowboys last season. https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/stephon-gilmore-on-still-being-a-free-agent-there-arent-64-cbs-better-than-me
  3. Greta points on our depth, we really couldn’t fix that in a single offseason and I believe Morgan will do a good job focusing on this over the next two years but to be fair, we had one hell of an injury bug on defense last year and still performed to a respectable level (not counting our run D)
  4. I highly disagree. He’s one of the best players in the league. We have spend a sh*t ton of money, and draft capital trying to replace his production, and haven’t even come close. We would be MUCH better with CMC still on our team. That trade looks horrible now and we should have never done it. Burns….i believe that’s another story though. He’s not impacting games like CMC
  5. I do feel like the money invested in our Guards will have a much larger impact than Burns would have had. Clowney will not make the same impact as Burns, but given the choice, I’d rather have two high level guards not letting our QB get destroyed every play.
  6. I will say, we have had horrible results when trading away our blue chip players over the last few years (no one can argue with this), but I really don’t know if this one will hurt as bad as the previous ones. Only time will tell….. ARTICLE: The Giants will be featured next month in a new offseason installment of Hard Knocks, and the release of the show’s trailer today indicates that they think they got a good deal when they acquired Brian Burns in a trade from the Panthers. In the trailer, Giants General Manager Joe Schoen is shown discussing the possibility of trading for Burns with Giants head coach Brian Daboll. In the clip, Schoen says he thinks the price would be two second-round draft picks. “What about Brian Burns, have you looked at Brian Burns? We would have to trade, like, two twos, and then you’d have to pay him, $28-$29 million,” Schoen told Daboll. But when the trade happened, the Giants only had to give up a second-round pick, a fifth-round pick and a swap of fifth-rounders. The Giants got Burns for less than they expected, which may mean that if the Panthers had driven a harder bargain they could have received more. It also serves as a reminder that the Panthers reportedly turned down an offer from the Rams in 2022 in which the Rams were willing to give up a 2024 first-round pick, a 2025 first-round pick and a 2025 second-round pick for Burns. For the Panthers to turn down so much and then end up trading Burns for so little shows how much the team botched its handling of Burns. Schoen was right about how much Burns would cost in terms of his contract, as he signed a five-year, $141 million contract, which works out to $28.2 million a year. https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/giants-thought-they-would-have-to-give-up-more-in-trade-for-brian-burns
  7. At a time when free money is getting harder and harder for the NFL’s oligarchs to come by, Panthers owner David Tepper is about to get some. As in $650 million. Via Joe Person of TheAthletic.com, Charlotte City Council will vote tonight on the proposal to renovate the 29-year-old stadium where the Panthers play. Person predicts, based on the “tenor of the meetings during the project’s unveiling and a public forum last week,” that the 11 members of city council “are expected to approve the renovations, likely by a lopsided margin.” At the risk of having a drink thrown in his face and/or the hat removed from his head, Person says that “the renovations feel like they’re getting shoved down Charlotte’s collective throat.” But, hey, that’s the best way to pry money from someone’s wallet — especially in a political climate where it’s far more easy to divert taxpayer money to needy billionaires through non-democratic processes. Surely, if the issue were put to a public vote in Charlotte, the proposal would be rejected, likely by a lopsided margin. Among elected officials, there’s a greater willingness to play ball with those who want to play games in stadiums for which they didn’t pay full freight. Maybe they don’t fear repercussions at the ballot box. Maybe they don’t want to give future opponents the ability to say they’re responsible for a team leaving. Regardless, Charlotte City Council is about to give $650 million to their carpetbagging bully of a billionaire if only because they fear he’ll move his football and soccer teams to a new city if they don’t. As long as city councils and county commissions and state legislatures and executives will give people what they want but don’t need, taxpayer money will continue to go to places other than where it’s needed. https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/charlotte-city-council-is-expected-to-approve-650-million-for-panthers-stadium-renovations-tonight
  8. No one is outraged. We all get the negativity, if you cover this team at all and care about it, you have felt a huge amount of outrage at the teams results over the last few years. The point is that this is a panthers board and people have been negative about anything being posted about the team period. Some choose to have a glass half full approach right now and have hope that Bryce can turn things around in year two with an actual NFL coaching staff, a line that does not get him sacked most in team history, a WR core that does not have a slow 33 year old white WR as his number one option, an actual NFL running game etc. We live miserable lives as fans of this team, and it’s literally the only time of the year when we can hope for a change with the team. No one is forcing anyone to breathe in smoke, just take a break from covering the team if you don't care to read it or hear it updates from the players
  9. lol exactly. Adam is on a show and they ask about Bryce, huddle expects him to say: Well we suck, and I owe it to the fans to not speak a word. Thanks for having me on!
  10. It’s no secret that last year’s No. 1 overall pick Bryce Young had a tough rookie season. But in the aftermath of the Panthers’ offseason program, veteran receiver Adam Thielen said this week that he’s optimistic about the young quarterback entering 2024. “It’s been awesome. Not only him, just a lot of the young guys, a lot of the staff. It’s just been a great offseason to just see some of these guys who haven’t been in the league very long — just the way that they’ve come in with confidence,” Thielen said during an appearance on the Rich Eisen Show. “You can tell, Bryce’s demeanor in the building — he’s just more comfortable, right? And you don’t realize it when you start getting to be a veteran guy, just because you forget about those times.” Thielen noted that last year, Young wasn’t even a part of the early offseason program because he hadn’t been drafted yet. “I’m thinking back to that like, now he’s there,” Thielen said. “Now we’re getting routes on air, we’re around each other, we’re in the locker room together, we’re BSing, talking about how great the Timberwolves are — because I’m a Timberwolves fan. So, you have that time together that we didn’t have last year.” Thielen added that just going through the process of entering the league can be a whirlwind for a young QB between learning the playbook and getting to know new teammates before the summer break. Then once training camp begins, everyone has to hit the ground running — and that’s not including some of the clear issues the Panthers had with their systems in 2023. “So, it’s been a really cool offseason to see how he’s come back with, OK, I’ve got urgency, I’ve got confidence, I have comfortability in the system, in the facility, the locker room, and what that does for a player,” Thielen said. “I’m excited about what that looks like going into training camp. “Again, like I said last year and I’ll never not talk about this — things are always great this time of year. There’s no wins, no losses, there’s no adversity. It’s all good right now, every single team thinks they can go to the playoffs and have a chance to win the Super Bowl. So we’ll see how it goes when the bullets start flying, but we’re in a good place.” https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/adam-thielen-you-can-tell-by-his-demeanor-that-bryce-young-is-more-comfortable
  11. I’m optimistic that Bryce will be much better with an O line, weapons, and a good coaching staff…….but those comments worry the hell out of me. Cam already spoke about Bryce needing to find his voice and it sounds like he’s not inspiring the team much from a leadership perspective
  12. I’ve been a wait and see optimist with Bryce….but this worries me a lot. You have to be able to command a team as a QB. It’s one of the most underrated qualities of the position. How many quiet qbs like that have you seen really be successful or lead a team to long term success? Cam has already mentioned this about Bryce and it does not seem like things have changed much since last season on him being more vocal.
  13. Taylor Moton. To me he is currently our 3rd best O linemen ever and has been very durable. Most people don’t appreciate the man enough. Everyone thinks RT is so easy to fill but forgot some of the horrific line play we have had throughout the years
  14. I agree but why call out your own team to the public like that knowing it will make headlines when they already have a plan in place for it and knowing you won’t be on the team a year from now. Seems like an unnecessary shot taken to me, but it’s not a huge deal either way
  15. On Draft Night: ”But I was sitting there and my manager called me and was like, 'hey, stay by your phone. A lot of teams texted me and said they could come get you.' Then the Panthers traded up and then that's why I got a call. Shows we weren’t off in our evaluations. His agent expected him to be drafted late second, early third so it’s not like it was a huge reach. He stated he was the 4th ranked LB according to his agent as well.
  16. Idk they may be wanting someone who could have a long career here with us. Every other team passed on him multiple times due to viewing him as a one contract player because of how bad that knee is.
  17. I don’t hate. Bryce, I hope he kills it this season. No QB in the league would have been successful on this dumpster team last year, much less rookie. We already have a plan in place to upgrade the facilities which is why he was making the comments to begin with. Speaking up isn’t helping any future teams, that’s already going to happen. He made several comments since he signed that had been odd, it just seems like an unnecessary shot at the team he plays for when they already announced the plans to upgrade.
  18. No question, other than gross and Kalil he’s right there with the best linemen we have ever had, and he is very dependable with not only play, but his ability to stay on the field (knock on wood). We will certainly miss him when he is gone, and I would love to give him a small extension on his current contract, although I don’t know if it is reasonable being that we just signed out guards to mega contracts. As much as we have struggled with tackles throughout our franchise history, you would think he would get move love than he does.
  19. He’s prob not wrong but Adam gets on my nerves for some reason. He has made a few off the wall comments in his short time here and I’m not sure what the purpose of saying this was. He’s not going to be here after this season and has only been on one team, so what’s the point of calling ours the worst? We may be, but STFU and get ready to lead us to 4 wins this season. I miss old school football players, I mean the guy is getting paid millions and should be thankful he’s on is team at his age.
  20. We aren’t making the playoffs this year so who cares. He didn’t make any crazy pressure picks for us nor will he this year. Go with the cheaper option, and save the money for positions we will actually need.
  21. It cannot be stated enough how bad Frank was with O-Line performance. It’s one of the reasons he got Matt Ryan killed his last season with an incredible amount of talent across the line, and the next season they look light years better, with the same crew. He comes here and the line that once looked like the biggest team strength, suddenly could not pick up a stunt and was by far the worst line in the league. I know injuries played a part, but you cannot ignore Franks outdated scheme and the effect it has over the last few years.
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