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  1. Time will tell... When the smoke clears, I think we will see there wasn't much difference in the 1st WR drafted and the 8th WR drafted. Legette on OSU or LSU would have looked very different.
  2. Tampa, Wilson, Gray, Sanders, and Franklin all still on the board…. I guess all the GMs are idiots? LOL..
  3. Frazier or Sanders at the top of the 3rd would make me really happy!
  4. And some of the idiots on this board think we screwed up? Some people will never get it
  5. TJ Tampa will be our pick! LETS GOOO!!!
  6. Will the Panthers be drafting Wiggins or Kool-Aid, its looking like one these will be available. Could Brian Thomas slip to us? We will have lots of really good options!
  7. I’ve done several mocks with trades on. And I’ve noticed the last several I’ve done have had some pretty solid trade offers for that 33rd pick. It’s a definite possibility we get a really good haul for that pick. This draft is a great draft to have multiple picks in 2nd-4th round. I’m thinking we end up trading this pick.
  8. I was thinking same thing about a QB.. I like Pratt as an option as well.
  9. How often we forget the TE position. Having a really good TE opens up everything. IMO it's actually a higher priority then ILB.
  10. Not sure where you’ve been, but our defense is gonna be just fine. We lost Burns, and who else? Chinn? After we sign Gilmore, our starting 11 on defense is in place. We will only need depth. If you don’t like that mock, you are clueless!
  11. I still think we get Clowney..
  12. https://x.com/goaty_szn/status/1768315352780570835?s=46&t=zHsP5eb7dqICvyemoHhRqQ
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