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Everything posted by Proudiddy

  1. I'm not entertaining your agenda. Look around at the majority of the posts here... almost everyone acknowledges that the scheme and line would make Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers look like poo. No one is picking on Sam. Cam is a former league MVP, generational talent, and a guy that energized this entire fan base and led us to a Superbowl that ended up being stolen from us at the hands of the league all while setting numerous league records. We gave up valuable draft capital for Sam to come in here and play like Randy Fasani. I think most people could see why there is an emotional attachment to Cam and a lack of sympathy for Sam when he plays shitty.
  2. Welp, there goes your "Cam can't throw it deep" garbage. It wasn't accurate, but he can throw it. This offense sucks. EDIT: Upon further review, it wasn't inaccurate, he already threw it to where Robby would've been, but the Bucs got away with pass interference after getting beat on the double move. These refs suck ass, but so does the offense still.
  3. Chubba may have actually gotten worse as the season has went on.
  4. Matt Rhule: *inserts Sam Darnold to throw late 2 yard out routes and tuck the ball once his first read is gone*
  5. Outside of that one broken play, he has looked like the same old Sam that struggles to get a single first down on any given drive and is using every single fiber of his being to not poo his pants in the face of pressure. If that looks good to you, go ahead and hitch your wagon. I'm good.
  6. Damn straight. Was just gonna say too, Sam is back fully healthy, and yet, look at how stagnant the offense is with the series he's been out there for the entirety of them (3 downs each). Cam moves the fuging ball... it's just once we get on the plus side, the OC shits the bed and calls some garbage that ends up fuging the whole drive up. This offense is already hard to watch regardless of who is back there, but Sam is especially bad.
  7. They don't, but tbh, I don't think they can offer much help because Moton is consistently getting his ass whooped on the other side every play, too.
  8. He's a complete lost cause. I just don't understand why he's even out there again. He should've never taken another snap for this team. Zero potential because he is scared shitless every play and can't read a defense. Almost every single pass he throws is late and is at risk of either being picked off or getting his receiver killed. He is complete garbage.
  9. Sams real close to throwing a pick six on these out routes.
  10. Who's ready for another 3 and out or turnover and another Bucs score before half?
  11. I just don't understand how Tepper can watch this and feel Fhule has this team trending in the right direction? This is fuging painful.
  12. I really like Taylor, but that was the worst coverage he had played all year. By a lot. Yuck.
  13. For those of yall thinking the defense compressing the field and jumping routes are because Cam can't throw it deep, look at this poo right now. They are doing it against all our QBs because the offensive scheme fuging sucks. They're not worried about any of our guys taking shots... because they aren't in most of our play designs. 3rd and long and we're throwing 2-3 yard drags and outs every fuging week.
  14. But that's just further evidence of how inept and outmatched this staff is... and believe me, Fhule is not putting Cam in to give him a great "moment." He has scapegoated and poo on Cam at almost every turn... so putting him in there is strictly strategic, which again shows you how stupid the staff is because the defense knew exactly what we were doing every play - so I agree. They are setting not just the QBs up to fail, but the entire offense. It's pathetic.
  15. Yup, and does so almost immediately after taking every snap. And that is why he never will be worthy of being an NFL starting QB.
  16. He needs to test the unemployment line. Not now, but right now.
  17. Horrible calls. Horrible redzone playcalls. I can't stand this fuging staff. We have run the same RB bubble 3 or 4 times now.
  18. Then we run the same bubble to the HB we have run 3 times now. My goodness...
  19. We literally showed them the play, called a timeout and then ran the exact same play for no yardage. fuging dumbass coaches.
  20. Lol every fuging week... I never thought I'd see worse clock management than Rivera's. I stand corrected, unfortunately.
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