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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. I get that ratings will be better for your product if you can start it later for the west coast's sake ... but you don't need ALL this extra CRAP.
  2. Trading 33 is what a team does when they're ready to compete in the Playoffs though. Unless we get a DEAL ... we aren't budging and no one is going to give you a deal for 33.
  3. Bronny is not going to be drafted unless LeBron pulls some strings. But he's smart to stay in the portal. Maybe he can up his ppg to 8 next season lol.
  4. Has it always been that way? I don't bet but I swore I saw somewhere that you have to win a certain amount before you're allowed to withdraw the money.
  5. Some of you are overvaluing Bo. A haul of picks for him??? No. If someone wants him that bad at 33, we'll get their 2nd and one other pick. Probably their 3rd.
  6. I watched a 35 min video on how the 4th was done bad on purpose by Lana to hurt WB. Made a lot of sense. Now WB is doing another one anyway to hurt her legacy and try to make money. It won't, even with a good team already in place.
  7. Maybe the "I'm up 1300" guy can chime in, but yeah as far as I've heard you have to "win" a certain amount before you can "collect" anything from them. You can't simply sign up, get $250 for free, bet, win, and then cash out and say bye.
  8. Cool. Just making sure. Not a big hockey fan but I was curious about the nickname and noticed it wasn't bothering Rangers fans here.
  9. I am. I smile ear to ear every off-season when guys start whipping out there 11 and 12 win season guesses.
  10. Just an FYI, "Rags" isn't an issult to the fans/team up here. Not sure if you Canes fans think it's one or not though.
  11. So you're saying I should draft Stroud in Fantasy this year?
  12. I love the off-season. Every acts all big and bad and thinks we're going to win. It's like they forgot the team we just were last season. Sure we've added players, but we're still the same old Panthers. But every off-season ... every one. We get these high hopes. I love it.
  13. Bills wasting Allen like we did Cam. And Diggs will be fine. He will thrive in Houston.
  14. State may be able to upset Purdue, but UCONN will destroy them. State's only hope is a miracle upset by Bama.
  15. Ouch. Clemson, Duke, and NCSU still alive. I know someone on here who is livid as fug! Look, I've been a fan of the Heels for like 42 years or something. But lately, and especially now, they have fielded the SOFTEST ass teams. No bangers, no brutes, no street smarts, no goons, etc. I miss the days when teams would fear us. But now, and with Duke too, it's a bunch of pretty little diva kids ... just like in the NBA. But then you look at NCSU and Clemson and they got some hard-nosed ballers. Not good enough for the NBA, but good enough to make the pretty boys go home and cry to momma. Give me Eric Montross, Vince Carter, Jerry Stackhouse, Tyler Hansbrough, George Lynch, and Rasheed Wallace ANY day over this current crop of wimps.
  16. So how does a "bot" know it's unbanned? I always assumed it was Zod.
  17. It started on streaming platforms lol. On purpose.
  18. I like it. Kickoffs will actually be exciting again ... which they haven't for years and years.
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