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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. I thought Harbaugh was? I say if Whoaa changes his avatar to Wilks or talks up any 49er or Chief this week after talking up the Ravens all year, he should get a timeout lol.
  2. So be that weird guy who doesn't watch it I guess.
  3. Yeah, Whoaa is a classic "what's cool at the moment" type of fan. Notice last night he talked much more about how amazing Mahomes was than he did anything about Lamar (who he hyped up all season). I'm shocked he still has the Deion avatar. That said, GTFO to anyone who will not watch the SB just because it's KC and SF lol. Bunch of ninnies. Some stupid pop singer? Really? That's one of the reasons you won't watch? She is in your head wow! And the world's too I might add. We've already seen the government start to take a long look at AI, but thanks to the nude AI pics of her ... now they're really worried about AI lolololol. This girl is making football fans angry, making money for KC and the NFL, and might get us all the AI regulations we need hahaha. Nuts! Also, I get it. We used to be in SF's division. And you wear your Panthers jersey with pride. But come on, man. That was AGES ago. And if Cowboys, Steelers, 9ers, etc. fans can cause you so much angst that you may not even watch the biggest game of the year? That says more about you than anything else. People rag on me for disliking Cam. That's all ON ME. But I'd still watch the SB if he was in it playing for another team. Then you have the constant hate for Purdy. Whyyyy? He's such a fun story. Who cares if he has an elite team. Are you that jealous? Get some fresh air, people. I'm about to after writing this rant lol.
  4. Don't let fans of other teams cloud something you could like.
  5. I never said I liked Swift lol. I just think it's funny people hate KC just because they show her on TV. I like Purdy's story. Work with that.
  6. What is UP with the Purdy hate? Did he steal your gf or something? Who cares if he has a good team! He was the last pick of the Draft. It's a fun story.
  7. No. I like Purdy and love CMC. I just think this place needs to make up its mind ... 1. Young sucks bc he has NO weapons (vs Young just sucks) 2. Stroud rules despite of his weapons (vs Stroud isn't actually elite) 3. Purdy is only good bc he has weapons (vs Purdy is actually good) They can't all be true. And you only bring me up being a troll when I disagree with you, Gorgey. You never do when we agree.
  8. Because about 50 posts today have been angry lol. I get it, 9ers bad ... Taylor stupid. Stop whining, gents.
  9. I want the 9ers to win just so half of you blow your tops lol ... then reblow when you realize it's 9ers vs Taylor Swift in the SB and you claim you won't watch it.
  10. Goff might be going to his second Super Bowl. Wild.
  11. You're not impressed by him tonight?
  12. Yes they can. But Bryce is too small. And not in an he'll get hurt way, but in a ... he's too small way. You can't fix that.
  13. WAIT ... workers are supposed to report to their boss?
  14. Napster says welcome to last week (or two decades ago). "We're just a website, dog. Go after the people that put the content out there, not us."
  15. Well at least we got the thing to make fun of if he poos the bed out of the way!
  16. He doesn't want to come here unless he's overpaid. He's 30. He'll goto a winner.
  17. Why is Morgan the bigger issue? Experience? He and Canales worked together for years in Seattle. This hire was Morgan-led, so if your mindset is that Morgan is a puppet for Tepper ... so is Canales.
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