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Brooklyn 3.0

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Everything posted by Brooklyn 3.0

  1. Won't matter, we still have Young. AND JFC, JUAN. LEARN HOW TO POST A TWEET.
  2. Well ONE thing is certain and it's that we aren't winning it. So that leaves Carr, Mayfield, and Cousins. I'll go with Cousins.
  3. We're not getting Pittman, Ridley, or Higgins. Enjoy 2024, gents.
  4. Didn't this forum used to have a huge Duke fan?
  5. QCB Hayseed T-Bone Mac Jim Packer The list goes on and on. WFNZ was trash. Haven't listened to it in 12 years thankfully.
  6. It's funny how Dave can't understand why it was actually changed.
  7. Speed doesn't mean a thing if you can't catch every pass.
  8. Everyone does. Because you're annoying. But ... you're OUR annoying guy. You're like a mascot. Place wouldn't be the same without you.
  9. The same Whoaa guy thinks we can get Justin Jefferson lol.
  10. One year of JJ with Bryce and he'd be asking to be traded.
  11. I'd run to make that trade. Wee Young will be DONE in the NFL before we know it.
  12. You seem to forget the years and years we've been hampered due to massive contracts. Yeah, he's a perfect shiny toy, but we need to build a franchise, not buy one star.
  13. No. Stop being a Heels homer. He was defending himself as a kid was plowing through him. Kid didn't try to hurt him, he didn't try to hurt the kid. Court storming is stupid and not needed. Kids will be fine without jumping together en masse whilst filming it with their phones.
  14. Nothingburger. Boys will be boys.
  15. Who is a cop? And sorry, smart or not, teens brains have not yet developed fully. They do stupid BS daily.
  16. Funny how we see what we want to see. He was just defending himself as a heard of people were running him over. He wasn't trying to violently hurt the loser teen.
  17. Not only did the Duke player get hurt, but the fan that collided with him went flying and it looks like NO ONE picked them up. Kids are SO stupid.
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