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Everything posted by PNW_PantherMan

  1. Just let fans bid to coach the team each week and donate the proceeds to charity
  2. That's been Red Zone all year. You would think the Panthers didn't exist if its all you watched.
  3. Last week's loss must have killed whatever this team had left. They look like they've given up.
  4. Thats cause we have a GM that's more worried about his job over the next 1-2 seasons than he is about building a winner.
  5. Before the contract, I would have been ok with a trade. Assuming the compensation was enough. Now that we've traded CMC and Robby and DJ is extended, I really don't see the point. We need somebody on offense for a QB to throw to.
  6. Yuck. Rather just go Anderson with that pick if that's the board.
  7. The most impressive win record wise is probably the Vikings, but I'm not sold on the Vikings.
  8. I really liked Hurts coming out of college. I figured he'd go in the 4th or 5th round and wanted us to take a shot at him. He has great intangibles.
  9. Yea he really needs to settle down and learn how to throw the ball out of bounds.
  10. The Eagles pass rush is starting to smell blood in the water with Mills. They can taste the fear.
  11. Well that was a quick turnaround. How was AJ Brown that open?
  12. That Pierce guy on Houston is a stud RB.
  13. Dang I should have bet on this game. I had a feeling Houston might pull off an upset.
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