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Everything posted by NanuqoftheNorth

  1. Rob Smith the is richest AA, worth 5 billion and was born in Denver. No idea if he has any interest in owning the Broncos.
  2. Latest PointsBet odds for acquiring DW: Panthers +175 Bucs +400 Seahawks +450 Texans +500 https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2022/03/12/the-panthers-are-the-betting-favorites-to-land-deshaun-watson/
  3. It's a possibility. I fully expected Carroll to retire this year and was surprised when he didn't. On the other hand, he appears to be in great shape for someone his age. Would not be surprised if he outlives tubby Matt Rhule. Pete's already been through a rebuild with Seattle, so he isn't going into it blindly. If Carroll's retiring in the next year or two chances are he already has an exit plan in place (and has shared it with ownership). I seriously doubt the Seahawks would have kept him around for a rebuild if he wasn't committed to seeing it through.
  4. I'll be the first to tell you that I have been highly critical of some of Seattle's decisions in recent years. However, they pale in comparison to the decisions of Carolina's Tepper/Rhule/Fitterer era. We can look at the results, they speak for themselves. One organization is staffed with professionals, many of which have been together for over a decade of winning. The other organization is led by couple of novices Tepper/Rhule and a GM that has been fleeced several times in his short career with the Panthers. If you were a franchise QB, making what might be your final move, which team would you trust your future to? I simply don't see much of an argument for Carolina, short of Watson being closer to home and Tepper giving him some level of control over coaching and management decisions. Who knows in the next few days (hours) all the other teams may back out and Carolina will have their QB. Stay tuned!
  5. All other things being equal: Seattle's current management and coaching staff have produced mostly wins (3rd best) Carolina's current management and coaching staff have produced mostly losses (16th best)* Both are in need of a franchise QB Seattle's current staff are experienced in building an NFL team from the ground up. Carolina's current staff has little experience in building an NFL team and what experience they have isn't good. *Vast majority of wins were with previous ownership/management/coaching staff Yeah, this should be no contest. However: What if Tepper gives DW some level of control over management and coaching decisions? That would be the wild card. Will Tepper play it? I believe there is a strong chance that he will.
  6. I would not be surprised if this is what tips the scales in Carolina's favor.
  7. This is a good question. Pete Carroll had every opportunity to retire this year and chose to stay for a rebuild. I doubt he took that decision lightly as it is no small task. However, let's say he decides to retire in the next few years. That is still plenty of time to build a solid foundation for the future. Honestly, even if Pete Carroll left tomorrow, Seattle's management still has a long history of making good decisions when it hires head coaches. I don't see them pulling a Tepper and hiring an NFL novice.
  8. We don't have a crystal ball so, yeah anything could happen. Best we can do is look at these two organizations and judge them by their performance to date. In the last ten years: Seattle has the third winningest record in the NFL. Only the Patriots and KC have better records. Carolina is the 16th best, not terrible. Until you consider that the team's last winning season was 5 years ago. The sad truth is, the ownership/management responsible for Carolina's worst years this decade are those in charge at the moment. https://eatdrinkandsleepfootball.com/nfl/most-wins-past-decade.html If D. Watson has to choose between these two organizations, it shouldn't be tough to decide. One organization has produced numerous winning seasons, the other has not. Yeah, Pete Carroll could retire at some point (he is a young 70) but Seattle has done a good job selecting coaches over the decades and I don't see them pulling a Tepper and hiring a novice like Rhule. The wild card in all this is Deshaun's desire for control over management/coaching decisions. If that is his priority, chances are he chooses Carolina. Russell Wilson also wanted more input into management and coaching decisions in Seattle, he is now in Denver.
  9. Seattle has a management and coaching staff with a proven track record of NINE straight winning seasons. Panthers are run by the Three Stooges of the NFL and have produced ZERO winning seasons. Both organizations are in rebuild mode. Both want your services. So as a franchise QB, which organization would you sign with?
  10. Seattle's management/coaching staff has produced a 9 year winning streak over the last decade. Carolina? Matt Rhule hasn't even figured out how to stop the run, score in the third quarter or produce a winning season, much less back-to-back winning seasons. Tepper and Rhule are rank amateurs compared to Seattle when it comes to managing an NFL franchise. That should be a matter of significant concern for any franchise QB contemplating his next move.
  11. If Deshaun wants to win, Seattle is the choice. They've already got additional picks from trading Wilson. Seattle is an organization w/proven management and coaches that have an extensive record of winning. Or chose the Panthers. A highly dysfunctional organization with a four year losing streak. Panthers management were recently described as "a poo show" by an NFL executive. The team already has a deficit of picks for 2022 and is willing to give away what little talent they possess (leaving the teams cupboards bare for years to come). If Deshaun's primary concern is winning, he'll choose Seattle. If Deshaun's primary concern is power and control (over a poo show) he'll choose Carolina. You make the call D. Watson
  12. We'll essentially be a talentless team w/Deshaun Watson. The very reason Deshaun Watson wanted out of Houston.
  13. Can you imagine being the Texans and having 6 first round picks over the next three seasons? Chances are that the Texans (formerly Panthers) picks are going to be top ten as well since there will be little opportunity to surround Deshaun with any meaningful talent for the next several years. Tepper is a man-child
  14. Once Tepper opens this Pandora's Box there will be no closing it. It will be Watson's team and Tepper will be dancing to his tune. All the coaches will be walking around on eggshells for fear that they might displease Deshaun. This situation is reminiscent of when the Panthers OC was not permitted to talk to Steve Smith, only worse.
  15. Tepper is wasting his wealth in all the wrong areas. Tepper has made poor decisions from the outset. Had he hired a successful NFL executive 3 years ago, (rather than putting all his trust in Hurney) this unfortunate turn of events could have easily been avoided. Instead, Tepper foolishly puts all the team's decision making authority in the hands of Matt Rhule, an NFL novice. The rest is history. I honestly don't see a way back to relevance for the Panthers if Tepper doesn't radically change his ways. Mortgaging the team's future for one player isn't the answer. The NFL isn't the PGA. This is the Vikings Herschel Walker trade disaster all over again.
  16. Tepper reeks of desperation and has put the Panthers in a horrible position where they have no leverage. Sure, Jerry Richardson ran a Mom and Pop organization for two decades. But, that's still far better than David Tepper's Amateur Hour that we've been witnessing for the last 3 years.
  17. I don't anticipate Rhule surviving more than a season if Watson ends up in Carolina. Tepper is Watson's bitch and Rhule's gonna be Deshaun's red headed step child.
  18. "Steelers culture" likely has nothing to do with the sexual harassment claims. Pittsburg was well aware of those. Steelers culture could also apply to the role of a QB within their organization. Watson was demanding a greater say on Texans coaching and management decisions. I don't believe Pittsburg was prepared to cede that much power to Deshaun. If that created an impasse in negotiations, it could be considered a bad cultural fit.
  19. I'm really happy to hear that Matt Rhule is finally seeking out professional help for his many coaching deficiencies. What's that? You've gotta be kidding me...
  20. Before Deshaun's legal issues, he made his desires known to the Texans: Watson wanted input/say on the team's management and personnel decisions. Anyone think that has really changed?
  21. Seahawks may be worse, time will tell. On the other hand, Seattle still has a 12 year head coach w/9 winning seasons in a row. 8 of those seasons w/10 or more wins. Panthers have Matt Rhule. Unless Matt defies history, he's likely to disappoint fans for a third season.
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