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Everything posted by SizzleBuzz

  1. Seems to be the prevailing sentiment. If we end up having to go to the market who do you think the top suspects will be? Cheers.
  2. Can't speak for yourself? Have to tee up an anonymous blonde bimbo to do your bidding? Makes sense...
  3. Nailed it. The rest of the league notices... ...will have a negative effect on attracting free-agents -- Stafford appears to be an early casualty.
  4. If the Huddle was predicated on the Panthers "winning"... ...it would have never started in the first place!
  5. Probably not, because Scot appears to be smarter than I am right now and is wisely avoiding this nonsense. Actually he's into it up to his waist... ...but true to form he's devoid of intellect and completely unwilling and unable to get on the record with a declaration of any kind... ...cut, paste, rinse, repeat...haha.
  6. Does he? Can you get @Mr. Scot to confirm that?
  7. I'm not interested in this discussion, dude. Nobody is, and it doesn't mean what you think it means anyway. Let it go. All you're doing is getting yourself made fun of. Nonsense, pal. Your multiple posts indicate otherwise. The truth is you know the Appaloosa Model is squarely in place and it makes you entirely uncomfortable...LOL. Org Chart: TEPPER RHULE < > FITTERER EVERYONE ELSE Collaboration amongst the top-3....Tepper has the veto. #TheAppaloosaWay
  8. Who does Fitterer report to? EDIT: Why are you afraid to answer this question?
  9. Dude, nobody cares about this "Appaloosa Model" bullsh-t but you. Clearly you don't care about the Appaloosa Model... ...your beliefs are squarely aligned the archaic NFL "model" which is now passe... ...hey, you know "insiders", who does Fitterer report to?
  10. Does answering this make you uncomfortable?
  11. Stick with Hurts... ...53rd overall pick --- baller.
  12. Hey... I'm curious about who Fitterer reports to, any idea?
  13. Good points. Fans should be held similarly accountable, their cynicism and lack of support is pitiful. Mrs. Stafford and her husband have clearly been paying close attention....wanted no part of the shite show...
  14. Got it, thanks. So who does Rhule report to?
  15. Good stuff. Curious, you have any idea who Fitterer reports to?
  16. The level of cynicism is so high as to be hitherto unknown to the people of this area and destined to take the place of the mudshark in your mythology... ...truly astounding.
  17. Seems odd all the Teddy haters are throwing shade at a reporter who is throwing shade at Teddy... ...Newton is helping the Teddy-hater-cause --- all aboard!!
  18. Interesting observation... ...Tre's "profile" is dramatically lower than it was a year ago.
  19. Rhule's foremost mentor is Tom "My Way or the Highway" Coughlin... ...pussies need not apply.
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